Todays word is CONTORT. This word worried me for a while. All l could think of was a dancer, a gymnast or someone from the circus! Not something l was going to see on my walk today l didn't imagine! Today we decided to go to see a park, we had heard about but had never been. It is Wimbledon Park...great place, tennis courts, bowls green, wonderfully safe and interesting children's play areas and a huge lake with sailing on it. Amazing place, where l saw children doing amazing things on climbing frames ect but l was unable to take images of them for obvious reasons. Anyway, after a gentle walk, Tony and l headed back to the mini and as we reached the gate, l was fasinated by a tree that had some fungi growing at its base. Being the curious person l am, l wondered if there was another group on the otherside of the trunk. No.... but then l noticed a crack running quite a way up the tree and in the crack was a fungi contoiured inside the trunk. I had my image!
contort |kənˈtôrt|verbtwist or bend out of its normal shape [ trans. ] : a spasm of pain contorted his face | [ intrans. ] her face contorted with anger | [as adj. ] ( contorted)contorted limbs | figurative a contorted version of the truth.DERIVATIVEScontortion |kənˈtôr sh ən| |kənˈtɔrʃən| nounORIGIN late Middle English : from Latin contort- ‘twisted around, brandished,’ from the verb contorquere, from con- ‘together’ +torquere ‘twist.’
Anne of Green Gables
5 weeks ago
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