Thursday, May 6, 2010

Thanks and goodbye my friends..........

Hi all my friends,
Sadly l have decided that with everything that is going on, l do not have time to carry with my blog
.......sigh! I think that l have achieved what l set out to do, which was expand my thinking of words and images. So l have not failed but just run out of time! My work as a therapist, helping my husband get well again, my family, my Art, my friends and life in general...... 24 hrs is just not long enough. So please join me on my other blog
will look forward to seeing you therex thank for all your supportxlynda

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

The word for Tuesday 04.05.2010 is MIRROR IMAGE

Today's word is Mirror Image.  I had to go to The Sleep Clinic today, up in town (Central London)to collect a light box and a wrist clock to record my sleep patterns. On the way up on the train, l just couldn't think what l would do for today's word. Then as we got the entrance to St. Thomas's Hospital, we were face to face with this amazing mirror image! Success!! I really am in love with this piece. If you look at it from some angles, you can see through the metal pieces. It is a huge sculture. I couldn't see who the artist is or the title but l will carry on the search!

mirror imagenounan image or object that is identical in form to another, but with thestructure reversed, as in a mirror.• person or thing that closely resembles another the city was the mirror image of Algiers.

Monday, May 3, 2010

The word for Monday 03.05.2010 is CONTORT.

Todays word is CONTORT. This word worried me for a while. All l could think of was a dancer, a gymnast or someone from the circus! Not something l was going to see on my walk today l didn't imagine!  Today we decided to go to see a park, we had heard about but had never been. It is Wimbledon Park...great place, tennis courts, bowls green, wonderfully safe and interesting children's play areas and a huge lake with sailing on it. Amazing place, where l saw children doing amazing things on climbing frames ect but l was unable to take images of them for obvious reasons. Anyway, after a gentle walk, Tony and l headed back to the mini and as we reached the gate, l was fasinated by a tree that had some fungi growing at its base.  Being the curious person l am, l wondered if there was another group on the otherside of the trunk. No.... but then l noticed a crack running quite a way up the tree and in the crack was a fungi contoiured inside the trunk. I had my image!


contort |kənˈtôrt|verbtwist or bend out of its normal shape [ trans. a spasm of pain contorted his face [ intrans. her face contorted with anger [as adj. ( contorted)contorted limbs figurative a contorted version of the truth.DERIVATIVEScontortion |kənˈtôr sh ən| |kənˈtɔrʃən| nounORIGIN late Middle English : from Latin contort- ‘twisted around, brandished,’ from the verb contorquere, from con- ‘together’ +torquere ‘twist.’

Saturday, May 1, 2010

The word for Saturday 01.05.2010 is COMPLICATED.

I seem to be very busy these days and keep forgetting to do this post. I am going to see if l can do it each day for this week..if not l'll stop. Fingers crossed l manage because l actually enjoy creating this blog each day. I find that l do think more about my art and photography since l started this daily word and image blog!
Well back to buisness. Todays word is COMPLICATED.
I think of complicated as meaning confusion, not easy to understand or something involving many parts. The image l have chosen for this word is a pylon. I saw this at Merton Mills and was intrigued with it. It is not often you are able to actually get this close to a pylon, let alone stand underneath it. So l took the oppurtunity to take quite a few images from many angles! I found it quite complicated trying to see which bits were connected to which section. When there is a blue sky next, l intend to go back and take so more images The reason being I want to see what the difference will be, between these images with a grey sky and ones with blue. For instance, with a blue sky will the image be so dramatic?.

Complicated |ˈkämpləˌkātid| |ˈkɑmpləˈkeɪd1d|adjectiveconsisting of many interconnecting parts or elements; intricate acomplicated stereo system.• involving many different and confusing aspects a long and complicated saga.Medicine involving complications complicated appendicitis.DERIVATIVEScomplicatedly |ˈkɑmpləˈkeɪd1dli| adverb  

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

The word for Tuesday 08.03.2010 is SUPPORT

Sorry folks, it has been over a week since l lasted posrted but it has been a stressful time in my life. My husband had his heart shocked last monday and fingers seems to have worked!! He is getting stronger by the day thankfully. Secondly, l had my parents and my sister here for 3 days, as my dad is appointed a MBE for his charity work. So l had little time to do my blogging..but l am back and l hope my followers will still be here to follow me again!!


Support to me, could mean to hold someone up by your arms or by giving them emotional support. It could also mean supporting say, a falling wall with wooden supports (!) to hold it up. Could also mean that a school is supporting a failing child, by giving him extra tutoring, for instance. I thought this was a good start, so off l went, with my camera. After a while, l came across the image l wanted. There is a piece of machinery standing in the River Thames, just after Putney Bridge. This piece of machinery is being supported by 4 large metal/wooden poles, one at each corner of the platform. I have no idea what it is there for but l am sure l will find out later this week! I also love the bright orange and red that the structure is painted in, really brightens up the river!

support |səˈpôrt|verb [ trans. ]bear all or part of the weight of; hold up the dome was supported by ahundred white columns.• produce enough food and water for; be capable of sustaining the land had lost its capacity to support life.• be capable of fulfilling (a role) adequately tutors gain practical experience that helps them support their tutoring role.• endure; tolerate at work during the day I could support the grief.give assistance to, esp. financially; enable to function or act the government gives $2.5 billion a year to support the activities of the voluntary sector.• provide with a home and the necessities of life my main concern was to support my family.• give comfort and emotional help to I like to visit her to support her.• approve of and encourage the proposal was supported by many delegates.• suggest the truth of; corroborate the studies support our findings.• be actively interested in and concerned for the success of (a particular sports team).• [as adj. ( supporting) (of an actor or a role) important in a play or film but subordinate to the leading parts.• (of a pop or rock group or performer) function as a secondary act to (another) at a concert.Computing (of a computer or operating system) allow the use or operation of (a program, language, or device) the new versions do not support the graphical user interface standard.nouna thing that bears the weight of something or keeps it upright the best support for a camera is a tripod.• the action or state of bearing the weight of something or someone or of being so supported she clutched the sideboard for support.material assistance he urged that military support be sent to protect humanitarian convoys [as adj. support staff.• comfort and emotional help offered to someone in distress she's been through a bad time and needs our support.• approval and encouragement the policies of reform enjoy widespread support.• a secondary act at a pop or rock concert.• technical help given to the user of a computer or other product.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

The word for Saturday 18.04.2010 is JARDINIERE

Today's word is Jardiniere. Luckily this afternoon, we went to a garden centre at Morden Hall! It is a National Trust place that has a tearoom, a garden centre and amazing gardens, a water wheel, educational stuff and so on. So it was quite easy to choose an image for today's word. Before l checked in the dictionary, l thought it was a decorated container for living plants. Not far off actually but l also learnt it could also mean a garnish of mixed vegetables!  You might learn something new every day on this blog..l frequently do!HA!


jardiniere |ˌjärdnˈi(ə)r; ˌ zh ärdnˈye(ə)r| (also jardinière)nounan ornamental pot or stand for the display of growing plants.a garnish of mixed vegetables.ORIGIN mid 19th cent.: from French jardinière, literally ‘femalegardener.’

Saturday, April 17, 2010

The word for Saturday 17.04.2010 is PACIFIER

Today's word is Pacifier. Um... l thought to myself, that means to give a person or baby some thing to keep them quiet or calm them down. I suppose that means a dummy! Have you noticed that you often see teenagers with a dummy in their mouth? I suppose it was started by Jordan ( the model!!), when she was seen sucking one, in her programme "What Katie did next" fly on the wall documentary! I know some woman do it to try and stop themselves smoking but honestly it looks so stupid to me! Dummies are for babies to hopefully, stop them crying or helping to ease their pain of teething. My children are grown up and l have no grandchildren l was l going to get an image of a dummy, other than in a wrapper in Boots? Then..there was my image on the road byside the bus stop l was waiting at! Once again, someone up there is looking after me!Ha!

pacifier |ˈpasəˌfīər|nouna person or thing that pacifies.• a rubber or plastic nipple for a baby to suck on.