Friday, January 29, 2010

the word for 29.01.2010 is SMELL am l going convey this in an image. Really thought, about this one and was not sure l could actually manage to do it!. I spent a wonderful hour in Richmond Park and still hadn't found my "smell". Anyway we then went into this amazing little surprise! Isabella Plantation,
 which you can read about in my other photography blog
Anyway, we went into plantation and oh the smell. The Park staff had a bonfire going, disposing of cut down trees and dead foliage.Wish you could smell this...wonderful! is my SMELL image!

smell |smel|nounthe faculty or power of perceiving odors or scents by means of the organs in the nose a highly developed sense of smell dogs locate the bait by smell.• a quality in something that is perceived by this faculty; an odor or scent lingering kitchen smells a smell of coffee.• an unpleasant odor twenty-seven cats lived there—you can imagine the smell!• [in sing. an act of inhaling in order to ascertain an odor or scent :have a smell of this.verb ( past and past part. smelled |smɛld| or smelt |smelt||smɛlt| |smɛlt|)[ trans. perceive or detect the odor or scent of (something) I think I can smell something burning.• sniff at (something) in order to perceive or detect its odor or scent :the dogs smell each other.• [ intrans. have or use a sense of smell becoming deaf or blind or unable to smell.• ( smell something out) detect or discover something by the faculty of smell his nose can smell out an animal from ten miles away.• detect or suspect (something) by means of instinct or intuition he can smell trouble long before it gets serious he can smell out weakness in others.[ intrans. emit an odor or scent of a specified kind it smelled likecough medicine [with complement the food smelled and tasted good [asadj., in combination ( -smelling) pungent-smelling food.• have a strong or unpleasant odor if I don't get a bath soon I'll start to smell it smells in here.• appear in a certain way; be suggestive of something it smells likea hoax to me.DERIVATIVESsmellable |ˈsmɛləbəl| adjectivesmeller |ˈsmɛlər| nounORIGIN Middle English : of unknown origin.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

the word for 28.01.2010 is DEPTH

Today's word for Thursday 28.01.2010 is DEPTH. This caused me quite a lot of trouble actually. The reason being, that what l thought could represent the word, Tony thought didn't! How we ever got married, let alone stayed together, happily l may add, is a mystery to us and to many other people. The reason being, we are SO different. To the way we see things, cut things up, stack the dishwasher..ha! name it we will do it the opposite way to each other. Quite funny at times! But we do have the same quirky sense of humour and are open to each others thoughts...and we talk, or rather, l talk and Tony listens!!Anyway, we eventually decided the image to go here and l hope you like it. It was taken in Isabella Plantation , which is an enclosed area inside Richmond Park. It is a little bit of Paradise!
Some of it is wild and some is cultivated. There are ponds with amazing coloured ducks and geese on it, heather beds and walks and just amazing places for children to hide in and trees to climb. Tomorrow l will be putting up all the images l took, while in Richmond Park and you will be able to see all the area and the beautiful ducks. My other photography blog is at

depth |depθ|nounthe distance from the top or surface of something to its bottom :shallow water of no more than 12 feet in depth.• distance from the nearest to the farthest point of something or from the front to the back the depth of the wardrobe.• used to specify the distance below the top or surface of something to which someone or something percolates or at which something happens [in sing. loosen the soil to a depth of 8 inches.• the apparent existence of three dimensions in a picture, photograph, or other two-dimensional representation; perspective :texture in a picture gives it depth.• lowness of pitch my voice had not yet acquired husky depths.complexity and profundity of thought the book has unexpected depth.• extensive and detailed study or knowledge third-year courses typically go into more depth.• intensity of emotion, usually considered as a laudable quality a man of compassion and depth of feeling.• intensity of color the wine shows good depth of color.( the depths) a point far below the surface he lifted the manhole cover and peered into the depths beneath.• (also the depth) the worst or lowest part or state 4 a.m. in the depths of winter the putrid depths to which morality has sunk.• a time when one's negative feelings are at their most intense she was in the depths of despair.• a place that is remote and inaccessible a remote little village somewhere in the depths of Russia.Sports the strength of a team in its reserve of substitute players they have so much depth that they could afford the luxury of breaking in their players slowly.ORIGIN late Middle English : from deep -th , on the pattern of pairssuch as long, length.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

The word for 27.01.2010 is VISION

The word for today is VISION. This one has really tested me and l took along time to come up with the image. I think this willbe ok but not sure! Three years or so ago,  several members of the public planted three ex Christmas Trees! Did they have a vision for the future of starting their own Christmas Tree farm or just thought , l'll come back next year and dig it up? Either way they are still here 3 years later and growing well!

vision |ˈvi zh ən|nounthe faculty or state of being able to see she had defective vision.• the ability to think about or plan the future with imagination or wisdom the organization had lost its vision and direction.• a mental image of what the future will or could be like a socialist vision of society.• the images seen on a television experience of seeing someone or something in a dream or trance, or as a supernatural apparition the idea came to him in a vision.• (often visions) a vivid mental image, esp. a fanciful one of the future he had visions of becoming the Elton John of his time.• a person or sight of unusual beauty.verb [ trans. rareimagine.DERIVATIVESvisional |- zh ənl| |ˈvɪʒənl| |ˈvɪʒnəl| adjectivevisionless |ˈvɪʒənləs| adjectiveORIGIN Middle English (denoting a supernatural apparition): via Old French from Latin visio(n-), from videre ‘to see.’

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

the word for 26.01.2010 is WRITING

Today's word is WRITING. There are many photographs that l could use to demonstrate this word, around the house and around the area! Anyway, as l am spending most of today indoors because of work commitments, so l am using an image of a few days ago. Another reason l am using an old image is because l have been unwell the last few days, so have been unable to go and take new images. But if you are one of the few who say they read will know l have hundreds of images l could use!Hax
Anyway, the image l have chosen, is for many resaons. One... it has writing on it, secondly... it is an item we see everyday and thirdly...most of us hold one or the other in our hands at least once aday. Concerning the coffee cup, do you really look at what your coffee cup has on the outside? You maybe asking yourself, "Who cares?" If that was the case, why do companies pay so much for their cups to stand out. Also if the cup decoration doesn't matter, why do they bother? My idea is that the colour, style of writing and the smell is all to do with the whole concept of the Brand! Next time you drink your "Nero's" coffee, think about this...Would it taste the same in a mug or white cup, instead of the Blue Nero's take away cup?
Also most of use read a newspaper most days. What ever would we do without writing?um!

writing |ˈrīti ng | |ˈraɪdɪŋ| |ˈrʌɪtɪŋ|nounthe activity or skill of marking coherent words on paper and composing text parents want schools to concentrate on reading, writing, and arithmetic.• the activity or occupation of composing text for publication she made a decent living from writing.written work, esp. with regard to its style or quality the writing is straightforward and accessible.• ( writings) books, stories, articles, or other written works he was introduced to the writings of Gertrude Stein.• ( the Writings) the Hagiographa.a sequence of letters, words, or symbols marked on paper or some other surface a leather product with gold writing on it.• handwriting his writing looked crabbed.
write |rīt|verb ( past wrote |rōt|past part. written |ˈritn|) [ trans. ]mark (letters, words, or other symbols) on a surface, typically paper, with a pen, pencil, or similar implement he wrote his name on the paperAlice wrote down the address [ intrans. he wrote very neatly in blue ink.• [ intrans. have the ability to mark coherent letters or words in this way he couldn't read or write.• fill out or complete (a sheet, check, or similar) in this way he had to write a check for $800.• [ intrans. write in a cursive hand, as opposed to printing individual letters.compose, write, and send (a letter) to someone wrote a letter toAlison [with two objs. I wrote him a short letter [ intrans. he wrote almost every day.• write and send a letter to (someone) Mother wrote me and told me about poor Simon's death.• [ trans. ( write in) write to an organization, esp. a broadcasting station, with a question, suggestion, or opinion write in with your query.compose (a text or work) for written or printed reproduction or publication; put into literary form and set down in writing I didn't know you wrote poetry [ intrans. he wrote under a pseudonym he had written about the beauty of Andalucia.• compose (a musical work) he has written a song specifically for her.• ( write someone into/out of) add or remove a character to or from (a long-running story or series).• archaic describe in writing if I could write the beauty of your eyes.[ trans. Computing enter (data) into a specified storage medium or location in store.underwrite (an insurance policy).DERIVATIVESwritable |ˈraɪdəbəl| adjectiveORIGIN Old English wrītan [score, form (letters) by carving, write,] ofGermanic origin; related to German reissen ‘sketch, drag.’

Monday, January 25, 2010

the word for 25.1.2010 is TRANSPARENT

Sorry haven't posted for a few days but will try and catch up!
Saturday's word was TRANSPARENT. Again, the image could be many things in the house but l wanted it to be on a walk as usual. That way, l look more at where l am walking and learn more about where l live. The image l found did not take long to find. As l got to the bottom of Wildcroft road, there on the pavement was a grubby and slightly elderly desposible plastic glove! Not exactly an exciting find but if l hadn't been looking around, l may not have seen it and also would not have had this "enlightening" conversation with this rather feisty elderly lady!!!. The old lady who asked me what l was doing, was not exactly overwhelmed by my comments but she did say, " I suppose one day you may find something interesting but don't you know why you bother". She then started to leave but turned back and said, "You say you are an artist and an Art Counsellor, so l suppose you find used plastic gloves interesting considering the sort of people you must work with?" and she turned away! "I tried to talk to her again but she wouldn't listen and just put her hand up as if to say, "Talk to the hand" and walked away. What a sad view on life!

transparent |tranˈspe(ə)rənt; -ˈspar-|adjective(of a material or article) allowing light to pass through so that objectsbehind can be distinctly seen transparent blue water.• easy to perceive or detect the residents will see through any transparentattempt to buy their votes the meaning of the poem is by no means transparent.• having thoughts, feelings, or motives that are easily perceived you'd be no good at poker—you're too transparent.• (of an organization or its activities) open to public scrutiny if you had transparent government procurement, corruption would go away.• Physics transmitting heat or other electromagnetic rays without distortion.• Computing (of a process or interface) functioning without the user being aware of its presence.DERIVATIVEStransparently |trøn(t)ˈspɛrəntli| adverb [as submodifier a transparently feeble argument.ORIGIN late Middle English : from Old French, from medieval Latintransparent- ‘shining through,’ from Latin transparere, from trans-‘through’ parere ‘appear.’

Friday, January 22, 2010

The word for 22.1.2010 is COLLECTION

>>Today's word is COLLECTION. I could have taken many images for today's word with out leaving my home! I am a collector of everything and anything..or so my family say!  So after several clients today, l went back up to Waterloo for another client. The train was packed and there was standing- room only. It was not a pleasant experience and l was not in a good mood by the time l got off the train. Fighting my way to the barrier, l saw from the corner of my eye, a trolley full of brightly coloured throw away coffee cups. There is a God! Suddenly my day seemed a lot better because l had my image! But then l had to make sure none of the guards could see me. Reason being, it is illegal to take photographs in or on Waterloo Station. Luckily no-one saw me and so l had my image!


collection |kəˈlek sh ən|nounthe action or process of collecting someone or something the collection of maple sap tax collection• a regular removal of mail for dispatch or of trash for disposal.• an instance of collecting money in a church service or for a charitable cause when she died, they took up a collection for her burial.• a sum collected in this way.a group of things or people rambling collection of houses.• an assembly of items such as works of art, pieces of writing, or natural objects, esp. one systematically ordered paintings from the permanent collection a record collection.• ( collections) an art museum's holdings organized by medium, such as sculpture, painting, or photography.• a book or recording containing various texts, poems, songs, etc. a collection of essays.• a range of new clothes produced by a fashion house a preview of their autumn collection.ORIGIN late Middle English : via Old French from Latin collectio(n-), from colligere ‘gather together’ (see collect ).

a fantastic giveaway from an amazing blog!!

Hello everyone,
Below is an amazing offer from an amazing lady. You will find her blog is interesting, informative and very beautiful.  Go there now and not only enjoy her blog but enter her amazing competition. Good luck!

Ink Cut and Fold.......

What a fun thing to do, although the time to do a layout is much larger than that of a card lol. What do you all think? I do have to say thankyou to an online friend Tara Orr for pushing me a little to finally take the scrapbook plunge. So Thank you Tara.

Now onto the Blogoversary Candy. 
Here is how this will work. The Blog candy will be up for grabs until January 31st. There are 3 parts I'd like you to do.

#1- become a follower- Knowing who my audience is, is so important to me so thank you for this. You can become a follower by clicking the follow button or by subscribing to the newsletter of by whichever reader you use.
#2- Leave a post on YOUR blog letting people know about my blog and the blogoversary candy. If you don't have a blog, no worries. Tell a friend, mention it on Twitter or Facebook. 
#3- Leave a comment on this post answering this question- What would you like to see on my blog? What changes? Do you want to see more techniques, tutorials, pictures of my family and life, more writing about whats going on in Erika World. A different look? Setup? widgets? Maybe you have a suggestion, an idea, something that would make this blog even better. Your ideas and thought matter a WHOLE BUNCH and I want to make sure that my audience loves coming to visit.

Now are you wondering what is up for grabs? Are you ready for this crazy list of goodness? Well here it is

Holy CANNOLI!!!!
Here is the list everyone

Lizzie Anne Designs - Shore Thoughts
Lizzie Anne Designs- A Man's Sole
Craft Lounge- Granny's Support Team
Cornish Heritage Farms- Gates and Bridges
Acrylic halloween stamp set
Acrylic Rubber Boots stamp set
Large Flower Medallion- Outlines Rubber Stamps
Stampin' Up victorian Stamps-2
Hero Arts- Block Stamp Sentiment Set
Holly Berry House- 2 large stamps
Glitz Vintage Titles- Cardstock Stickers
Glitz Vintage Extras- Rub-ons
Prismatics- Teal Pack Cardstock
Prismatics-Teal Accent Pack
American Crafts- Guesthouse Patterned chipboard travel
Magenta- Peel Offs- Squares and Flowers Lime
Scarlet Lime- Large clips
Small package mixed flowers
small package mixed metal accents
The Angel Company- Frutti Fusion Paper pack
Stampin' Up metallic eyelets
Black Ink- Skeleton leaves
Glue Arts- Glue Rings
Anna Griffin- Darcey Collection 3D border stickers
Scarlet Lime- Stickers
Amaco-Metal Accents Sheets-Country borders
My Little Yellow Bicycle-Zinnia Clear Cuts Frames
Making Memories-Envelope templates set
Coluzzle Rounded Square
Glimmer Mist- Scarlet
Jenni Bowlin- Red Line Chipboard buttons
American Craft-Vacation adhesive badges

PLUS 4 of the companies that I am a design team member for have graciously donated some outstanding goodies

Hearts in Touch has donated my favorite stamps
Hearts in Touch- Christmas 2009 plate
Hearts in Touch- Backgrounds #2 plate
2 sheets EZ Mount

Paper Temptress has donated my favorite paper package
Silver Lustre paper pack

About Art Accents has donated
$10 gift certificate (excluding charms)
(they have the most amazing fairy and asian stamps)

Scrapbook Star has donated 
$10 gift certificate
This place has everything you need. From inks to tools, stamps to paper.

Now how is that for a HAUL!!!!
Remember to do all three requests please and your name will be entered for the Blog candy draw on the 31st of January. Good Luck and thank you all again for your continued support. I so appreciate your comments and your visits.

Good luck everyonexxlynda

Thursday, January 21, 2010

the word for 21.1.2010 is ISOLATE

Today's word is ISOLATE. I really was having problems with this word and what image l would use. I thought about people on their own or something on its own but nothing came into my mind or my journey. Then coming home from Waterloo this evening on a train,  l had my image. I was sitting on the train, which was packed with people, mostly people coming home from work. As l looked around the carraige, l realised the train was packed to the brim and yet no-one was talking. They were either looking at their phones/iphones, reading a book or a newspaper. each commuter was isolated in their own world and space. How talks to each other anymore! Perhaps we would have a happier world if we did!


isolateverb |ˈīsəˌlāt| [ trans. ]cause (a person or place) to be or remain alone or apart from others a country that is isolated from the rest of the world.• identify (something) and examine or deal with it separately you can't isolate stress from the management context.• Chemistry Biology obtain or extract (a compound, microorganism, etc.) in a pure form.• cut off the electrical or other connection to (something, esp. a part of a supply network).• place (a person or animal) in quarantine as a precaution against infectious or contagious disease.noun |-lit| |ˈaɪsələt| |ˈʌɪs(ə)lət|a person or thing that has been or become isolated social isolates often become careless of their own welfare.• Biology a culture of microorganisms isolated for study.DERIVATIVESisolable |-ləbəl| |ˈaɪsələbəl| |ˈʌɪs(ə)ləb(ə)l| adjectiveisolatable |ˈaɪsəˈleɪdəbəl| adjectiveisolator |-ˌlātər| |ˈaɪsəˈleɪdər| nounORIGIN early 19th cent. (as a verb): back-formation from isolated .

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

the word for 20.01.2010 is COVERED

Been under the weather for a few days which is while l have not uploaded for a day or two. Today's word is COVERED.  Today l went to my Auntie Richie's funeral, sad but uplifting at the same time. She died too early at 77, two years after her husband Uncle Ken. Anyway, Auntire Richie had a passion for Russia, its art, culture and its people. She had visited Russia and had many friends there. She would have loved to-day because believe it or not snowed!!! Anyway seeing the snow covering gravestones gave me my word. Bye Auntie Ritchie, you were an amazing womanx

Such a small headstone, l wonder if it was a child's. I couldn't check because of the snow but also the inscription is worn away quite a lot.
cover |ˈkəvər|verb [ trans. ](often be covered) put something such as a cloth or lid on top of or in front of (something) in order to protect or conceal it the table had beencovered with a checked tablecloth she covered her face with a pillow.• envelop in a layer of something, esp. dirt he was covered in mud |figurative she was covered in confusion.• scatter a layer of loose material over (a surface, esp. a floor), leavingit completely obscured the barn floor was covered in straw.• lie over or adhere to (a surface), as decoration or to conceal something masonry paint will cover hairline cracks.• protect (someone) with a garment or hat [as adj. ( covered) keep children covered with T-shirts.• extend over (an area) the grounds covered eight acres.• travel (a specified distance) it took them four days to cover 150 with (a subject) by describing or analyzing its most important aspects or events a sequence of novels that will cover the period from 1968 to the present.• investigate, report on, or publish or broadcast pictures of (an event) :NBC is covering the Olympics.• work in, have responsibility for, or provide services to (a particular area) development officers whose work would cover a large area.• (of a rule or law) apply to (a person or situation).(of a sum of money) be enough to pay (a bill or cost) there are grants to cover the cost of materials for loft insulation.• (of insurance) protect against a liability, loss, or accident involving financial consequences your contents are now covered against accidental loss or damage in transit.• ( cover oneself) take precautionary measures so as to protect oneself against future blame or liability one reason doctors take temperatures is to cover themselves against negligence claims.disguise the sound or fact of (something) with another sound or actionLouise laughed to cover her embarrassment.• [ intrans. ( cover for) disguise the illicit absence or wrongdoing of (someone) in order to spare them punishment if the sergeant wants to know where you are, I'll cover for you.• [ intrans. ( cover for) temporarily take over the job of (a colleague) in their absence during August ministers cover for other ministers.aim a gun at (someone) in order to prevent them from moving or escaping.• protect (an exposed person) by shooting at an enemy [as adj. (covering) the jeeps retreated behind spurts of covering fire.• (of a fortress, gun, or cannon) have (an area) within range.• (in team games) take up a position ready to defend against (an opposing player).• Baseball be in position at (a base) ready to catch a thrown ball.Bridge play a higher card on (a high card) in a trick the ploy will fail if the ten is covered [ intrans. East covered with his queen.record or perform a new version of (a song) originally performed by someone else other artists who have covered the song include U2.(of a male animal, esp. a stallion) copulate with (a female animal), esp. as part of a commercial transaction between the owners of the animals.nouna thing that lies on, over, or around something, esp. in order to protect or conceal it a seat cover.• a thin solid object that seals a container or hole; a lid a manhole cover.• a thick protective outer part or page of a book or magazine her life was captured between hard covers in her 1986 autobiography.• Philately a card or envelope that has traveled through the mail or that contains postal markings.• ( the covers) bedclothes she burrowed down beneath the covers.physical shelter or protection sought by people in danger the sirens wailed and people ran for cover store seats under cover before the bad weather sets in.• undergrowth, trees, or other vegetation used as a shelter by hunted animals the standing crops of game cover a landscape bare of woodland except for neat little fox covers. See also covert (sense 1).• an activity or organization used as a means of concealing an illegal or secret activity the organizations often use their philanthropy as a cover for subsidies to terrorists.• [in sing. an identity or activity adopted by a person, typically a spy, to conceal their true activities he was worried that their cover was blown.• military support given when someone is in danger from or being attacked by an enemy they agreed to provide additional naval cover.• Ecology the amount of ground covered by a vertical projection of the vegetation, usually expressed as a percentage.short for cover charge .a place setting at a table in a restaurant. [ORIGIN: rendering Frenchcouvert.](also cover version) a recording or performance of a previously recorded song made esp. to take advantage of the original's success.