Thursday, January 21, 2010

the word for 21.1.2010 is ISOLATE

Today's word is ISOLATE. I really was having problems with this word and what image l would use. I thought about people on their own or something on its own but nothing came into my mind or my journey. Then coming home from Waterloo this evening on a train,  l had my image. I was sitting on the train, which was packed with people, mostly people coming home from work. As l looked around the carraige, l realised the train was packed to the brim and yet no-one was talking. They were either looking at their phones/iphones, reading a book or a newspaper. each commuter was isolated in their own world and space. How talks to each other anymore! Perhaps we would have a happier world if we did!


isolateverb |ˈīsəˌlāt| [ trans. ]cause (a person or place) to be or remain alone or apart from others a country that is isolated from the rest of the world.• identify (something) and examine or deal with it separately you can't isolate stress from the management context.• Chemistry Biology obtain or extract (a compound, microorganism, etc.) in a pure form.• cut off the electrical or other connection to (something, esp. a part of a supply network).• place (a person or animal) in quarantine as a precaution against infectious or contagious disease.noun |-lit| |ˈaɪsələt| |ˈʌɪs(ə)lət|a person or thing that has been or become isolated social isolates often become careless of their own welfare.• Biology a culture of microorganisms isolated for study.DERIVATIVESisolable |-ləbəl| |ˈaɪsələbəl| |ˈʌɪs(ə)ləb(ə)l| adjectiveisolatable |ˈaɪsəˈleɪdəbəl| adjectiveisolator |-ˌlātər| |ˈaɪsəˈleɪdər| nounORIGIN early 19th cent. (as a verb): back-formation from isolated .

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