Today's word is Pacifier. Um... l thought to myself, that means to give a person or baby some thing to keep them quiet or calm them down. I suppose that means a dummy! Have you noticed that you often see teenagers with a dummy in their mouth? I suppose it was started by Jordan ( the model!!), when she was seen sucking one, in her programme "What Katie did next" fly on the wall documentary! I know some woman do it to try and stop themselves smoking but honestly it looks so stupid to me! Dummies are for babies to hopefully, stop them crying or helping to ease their pain of teething. My children are grown up and l have no grandchildren l was l going to get an image of a dummy, other than in a wrapper in Boots? Then..there was my image on the road byside the bus stop l was waiting at! Once again, someone up there is looking after me!Ha!
pacifier |ˈpasəˌfīər|nouna person or thing that pacifies.• a rubber or plastic nipple for a baby to suck on.
Anne of Green Gables
5 weeks ago
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