Today's word is Jardiniere. Luckily this afternoon, we went to a garden centre at Morden Hall! It is a National Trust place that has a tearoom, a garden centre and amazing gardens, a water wheel, educational stuff and so on. So it was quite easy to choose an image for today's word. Before l checked in the dictionary, l thought it was a decorated container for living plants. Not far off actually but l also learnt it could also mean a garnish of mixed vegetables! You might learn something new every day on this blog..l frequently do!HA!
jardiniere |ˌjärdnˈi(ə)r; ˌ zh ärdnˈye(ə)r| (also jardinière)noun1 an ornamental pot or stand for the display of growing plants.2 a garnish of mixed vegetables.ORIGIN mid 19th cent.: from French jardinière, literally ‘femalegardener.’
Anne of Green Gables
5 weeks ago
Thank you for visiting my blog! I saw that you have several so I'm not sure which one you use the most. Anyway, great idea for a blog..we could never have too much knowledge:)