Saturday, October 31, 2009

todays word..CUT...31.10.09

Today is Hallowen and rather appropriatly todays word is CUT! I promise l didn't cheat...remember l don't pick the words. You would think this would be easy..yes? actually no! By that l mean it seemed straight forward enough that is, until l did my usual dictionary search.......................IT COULD BE INTERPRETED IN SO MANY DIFFERENT WAYS!!! l was quite shocked!ha!
After much thinking and looking around while we drove to Rustington, l eventually decided to concentrate on the definition of the word "cut" as meaning for example... a passage cut or dug out, as a railroad cutting , drainnage or a new channel made for a river or other waterway. I was quite pleased with the end result. For once, l was glad there were unfinished road works around so as l had a fairly good choice to work from!

verb ( cutting ; past and past part. cut ) [ trans. ]
1 make an opening, incision, or wound in (something) with asharp-edged tool or object : he cut his big toe on a sharp stone | he cut open MacKay's face with the end of his hockey stick | [ intrans. ] figurative his scorn cut deeper than knives.
2 remove (something) from something larger by using a sharpimplement : I cut his photograph out of the paper | some prisoners had their right hands cut off.
• informal castrate (an animal, esp. a horse).
• remove the foreskin of a penis; circumcise.
• ( cut something out) make something by cutting : I cut out some squares of paper.
• ( cut something out) remove, exclude, or stop eating or doing something undesirable : start today by cutting out fatty foods.
• ( cut something out) separate an animal from the main herd.
3 divide into pieces with a knife or other sharp implement : cut the beefinto thin slices | he cut his food up into teeny pieces.
• make divisions in (something) : land that has been cut up by streams into forested areas.
• separate (something) into two; sever : they cut the rope before he choked.
• ( cut something down) make something, esp. a tree, fall by cutting it through at the base.
• ( cut someone down) (of a weapon, bullet, or disease) kill or injure someone : Barker had been cut down by a sniper's bullet.
4 make or form (something) by using a sharp tool to remove material :workmen cut a hole in the pipe.
• make or design (a garment) in a particular way : [as adj. ] ( cut) an impeccably cut chalk-stripe suit.
• make (a path, tunnel, or other route) by excavation, digging, or chopping : plans to cut a road through a rain forest | [ intrans. ] investigators called for a machete to cut through the bush | figurative a large woman with a voice that cut through crowds.
5 trim or reduce the length of (something, esp. grass or a person's hair or fingernails) by using a sharp implement : cutting the lawn | cut back all the year's growth to about four leaves.
6 reduce the amount or quantity of : buyers will bargain hard to cut the cost of the house they want | I should cut down my sugar intake | [ intrans.] they've cut back on costs | the state passed a law to cut down on drunk-driving | the paper glut cuts into profits.
• abridge (a text, movie, or performance) by removing material : he had to cut unnecessary additions made to the opening scene.
• Computing delete (part of a text or other display) completely or so as to insert a copy of it elsewhere. See also cut and paste .
• (in sports) remove (a player) from a team’s roster.
• end or interrupt the provision of (something, esp. power or food supplies) : we resolved to cut oil supplies to territories controlled by the rebels | if the pump develops a fault, the electrical supply is immediately cut off.
• ( cut something off) block the usual means of access to a place : the caves were cut off from the outside world by a landslide.
• absent oneself deliberately from (something one should normally attend, esp. school) : Robert was cutting class.
• switch off (an engine or a light).
7 (of a line) cross or intersect (another line) : the point where the line cuts the vertical axis.
• [ intrans. ] ( cut across) pass or traverse, esp. so as to shorten one's route : the following aircraft cut across to join him.
• [ intrans. ] ( cut across) have an effect regardless of (divisions or boundaries between groups) : subcultures that cut across national and political boundaries.
• [ intrans. ] ( cut along) informal dated leave or move hurriedly : you can cut along now.
8 dated ignore or refuse to recognize (someone).
9 [ intrans., often in imperative ] stop filming or recording.
• move to another shot in a movie : cut to a dentist's surgery.
• [ trans. ] make (a movie) into a coherent whole by removing parts or placing them in a different order.
10 make (a sound recording).
11 divide (a pack of playing cards) by lifting a portion from the top, either to reveal or draw a card at random or to place the top portion under the bottom portion.
12 Golf slice (the ball).
13 adulterate (a drug) or dilute (alcohol) by mixing it with another substance : speed cut with rat poison.
14 ( cut it) informal come up to expectations; meet requirements : this CD player doesn't quite cut it. [ORIGIN: shortened form of the idiom cut the mustard.]
1 an act of cutting, in particular
• [in sing. ] a haircut : his hair was in need of a cut.
• a stroke or blow given by a sharp-edged implement or by a whip or cane : he could skin an animal with a single cut of the knife.
• figurative a wounding remark or act : his unkindest cut at Elizabeth was to call her heartless.
• a reduction in amount or size : she took a 20% pay cut | a cut ininterest rates.
• (in sports) a removal of a player from a team’s roster.
• an act of removing part of a play, movie, or book, esp. to shorten the work or to delete offensive material : they would not publish the book unless the author was willing to make cuts.
• an immediate transition from one scene to another in a movie.
• Golf the halfway point of a golf tournament where half of the players are eliminated.
• Tennis a stroke made with a sharp horizontal or downward action of the racket, imparting spin.
2 a result of cutting something, in particular
• a long narrow incision in the skin made by something sharp.
• a long narrow opening or incision made in a surface or piece of material : make a single cut along the top of each potato.
• a piece of meat cut from a carcass : a good lean cut of beef.
• [in sing. ] informal a share of the profits from something : the directors are demanding their cut.
• a recording of a piece of music : a cut from his forthcoming album.
• a version of a movie after editing : the director's cut.

• a woodcut.
3 [in sing. ] the way or style in which something, esp. a garment orsomeone's hair, is cut : the elegant cut of his dinner jacket.

ORIGIN Middle English (probably existing, although not recorded, inOld English ); probably of Germanic origin and related to Norwegiankutte and Icelandic kuta ‘cut with a small knife,’ kuti ‘small bluntknife.’

Friday, October 30, 2009

todays word..PRECIPITATE

funnily todays word is  PRECIPITATE which could mean some thing happening suddenly or unexceped! I woke up this morning and l have done my right shoulder in...something to do with my back musclesor so l am being told. Have to do weird exercises with a tennis ball..dont ask!ha!!! Could hardly move...but there is another meaning....gas turning into liquid....clouds turn into here are raindrops on my window pane.

verb |priˈsipəˌtāt| [ trans. ]cause (an event or situation, typically one that is bad or undesirable) to happen suddenly, unexpectedly, or prematurely the incident precipitated a political crisis.• [ trans. cause to move suddenly and with force suddenly the ladder broke, precipitating them down into a heap.• ( precipitate someone/something into) send someone or something suddenly into a particular state or condition they were precipitated into a conflict for which they were quite unprepared.(usu. be precipitated) Chemistry cause (a substance) to be deposited in solid form from a solution.• cause (drops of moisture or particles of dust) to be deposited from the atmosphere or from a vapor or suspension.adjective |priˈsipətət| |priˈsɪpədət| |prəˈsɪpədət| |prɪˈsɪpɪtət|done, made, or acting suddenly or without careful consideration I must apologize for my staff—their actions were precipitate.• (of an event or situation) occurring suddenly or abruptly a precipitate decline in cultural literacy.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Todays word..RUBBISH

Todays word is RUBBISH.

As l walked down to catch the train to Waterloo Station this afternoon, l walked past the usual trees and bushes on my usual journey down Wildcroft road, thinking about the word rubbish.The usual things came into my head, rubbish bins, the doggy poo bins, rubbish as in food containers and bags on side of road. Um but they are what you expect to see when you think of rubbish. Also as l was going on the Underground l would see quite a bit of rubbish as since 7/11 there have been few or no rubbish bags there. On the train stations they now use transparent rubbish bags. Then l happened to glance into the wood, as my eye was caught by a beautiful Jay. Oh they have such beautiful colourful plumage. And then as l look backdown towards the road again l saw some one had been fly tipping. Somebody had emptied a whole load of rubble..stones, masonary and cement, on the woodland floor in a big heap. Not only that but they had emptied it from a large thick plastic sack and that sack was then thrown away too!!! We have place to take this rubbish that is free...some people are so lazy and antisocial!!!!!!

nounwaste material; refuse or litter an alleyway high with rubbish.• material that is considered unimportant or valueless she had to sift through the rubbish in every drawer.• absurd, nonsensical, or worthless talk or ideas I suppose you believe that rubbish about vampires.verb [ trans. Brit., informalcriticize severely and reject as worthless he has pointedly rubbished professional estimates of the development and running costs.adjective Brit., informalvery bad; worthless or useless people might say I was a rubbish manager.DERIVATIVESrubbishy |ˈrəbəʃi| adjectiveORIGIN late Middle English : from Anglo-Norman French rubbous; perhaps related to Old French robe ‘spoils’ ; compare with rubble . The change in the ending was due to association with -ish . The verb (1950s) was originally Australian and New Zealand slang.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

2nd blog for today Wednesday......the words for 29.10.09 to 07.11.09

words for the next few days until November 7th 2009.

Thursday October 29th............RUBBISH

Friday      October 30th...........PRECIPITATE

Saturday     October 31st ............CUT

Sunday       November 1st..........VICAROUS

Monday      November 2nd.........DANGEROUS

Tuesday      November 3rd..........SENSIBLE

Wednesday November 4th...........AGE

Thursday    November 5th...........COMMUNICATE

Friday        November 6th............BRAND

Saturday    November  7th............ENVY

todays word..SPREADING

Todays word is SPREADING

verb ( past and past part. spread )[ trans. open out (something) so as to extend its surface area, width,or length I spread a towel on the sand and sat down she helped Chris tospread out the map.• stretch out (arms, legs, hands, fingers, or wings) so that they are far apart the swan spread its wings.[no obj., with adverbial extend over a large or increasing area she stood at the window looking at the town spread out below.• ( spread out) (of a group of people) move apart so as to cover a wider area the Marines spread out across the docks.• [with obj. and adverbial distribute or disperse (something) over a certain area volcanic eruptions spread dust high into the stratosphere.• gradually reach or cause to reach a larger and larger area or more and more people [ intrans. the violence spread from the city to the suburbs[ trans. she's always spreading rumors about other people.• (of people, animals, or plants) become distributed over a large or larger area the owls have spread as far north as Yellowknife.• [with obj. and adverbial distribute (something) in a specified way :you can spread the payments over as long a period as you like.[with obj. and adverbial apply (a substance) to an object or surface in an even layer he sighed, spreading jam on a croissant.• cover (a surface) with a substance in such a way spread each slice thinly with mayonnaise.• [no obj., with adverbial be able to be applied in such a way the whipped butter spreads easily.[ trans. archaic lay (a table) for a meal.nounthe fact or process of spreading over an area the spread of AIDS the spread of the urban population into rural areas.the extent, width, or area covered by something the male's antlers can attain a spread of six feet.• the wingspan of a bird.• an expanse or amount of something the green spread of the park.• a large farm or ranch.the range or variety of something a wide spread of ages.• the difference between two rates or prices the very narrow spread between borrowing and deposit rates.• short for point spread .a soft paste that can be applied in a layer to bread or other article or advertisement covering several columns or pages of anewspaper or magazine, esp. one on two facing pages a double-page spread.• bedspread.informal large and impressively elaborate meal.
Todays word was an easy one but l still enjoyed it! I could look at spreading plants, speading yucky stuff , extending machinery. ect but then l was looking up into the sky and suddenly there were con trails all over the place...just spreading further and further over Putney! There was my word.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

todays word..RESPECT

 RESPECTTnouna feeling of deep admiration for someone or something elicited bytheir abilities, qualities, or achievements the director had a lot ofrespect for Douglas as an actor.• the state of being admired in such a way his first chance in over fifteenyears to regain respect in the business.• due regard for the feelings, wishes, rights, or traditions of others :respect for human rights.• ( respects) a person's polite greetings give my respects to your parents.a particular aspect, point, or detail the government's record in thisrespect is a mixed one.verb [ trans. ]admire (someone or something) deeply, as a result of their abilities, qualities, or achievements she was respected by everyone she worked with |[as adj. ( respected) a respected academic. See note at esteem .• have due regard for the feelings, wishes, rights, or traditions of I respected his views.• avoid harming or interfering with it is incumbent upon all boaters to respect the environment.• agree to recognize and abide by (a legal requirement) he urged all foreign nationals to respect the laws of their country of residence.
That could  do with so many things, people, objects, saying and so on! I thought about Remembrance  Sunday and poppies, people l respect like my husband or may be an artist that has done some amazing word or an organization such as Cancer Relief or the Red Cross. This "one image a day" challenge l set myself is a lot harder than l thought it would be. It isn't the image that actually seems to be my problem ..its deciding what the word should actually show in my image!

Although l usually take a new image each day to go with the "day" l changed my mind. There are two people in my life l respect more and more each day. only a few people l really respect, two of them are my children..Jenny and Andrew. They both have had problems in their lives but have mananged to put their lives back on track and l am so proud of them but most of all..l have tremendous repect for both of them.

This image is of my son and daughter on my son's Wedding Day earlier this year 2009 in Cornwall.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Todays word..CORNER

Todays word is Corner.


  • noun 1 a place or angle where two or more sides or edges meet. 2 a place where two streets meet. 3 a secluded or remote region or area. 4 a difficult or awkward position. 5 a position in which one dominates the supply of a particular commodity. 6 (also corner kickSoccer a free kick taken by the attacking side from a corner of the field. 7 Boxing & Wrestlingeach of the diagonally opposite ends of the ring, where a contestant rests between rounds.
  • verb 1 force into a place or situation from which it is hard to escape. 2 control (a market) by dominating the supply of a particular commodity. 3 go round a bend in a road.
  — PHRASES fight one’s corner defend one’s position or interests.
  — ORIGIN Latin cornu ‘horn, tip, corner’.

Could be so easy but decided not to just look into corners but keep an open mind ...not as easy as l thought.
Two weeks ago l saw a Nature programme about Harliquin Ladybirds, about them gathering together to keep warmth ect.  Then a few days ago l saw a whole group of ladybirds gathered together in a corner in the entrence hall of our block of flats... Then diaster struck in the shape of an earwig...l hate them..he eat them all! but luckily on the way home tonight saw some more and better still....they were in a corner again. Cracked it!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

sunday 25 October 2009..Loose

Definition of "Loose:

As l was so tired today as l REALLY didn't sleep well last night..l spent until 2pm in bed asleep today!!!! anyway here is my choice. I am not that pleased with the quality of the image but that cant be helped now!

Saw this loose lock on a bin near Putney East Tube Station.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

todays word..TRANSPARENT

Todays word was Transparent. It would have been so easy to just take an image of looking through a window or glass balcony but that looked so..unthought about if you see what l mean! So after wandering around Wimbledon for a few hours and then having a coffee.Coffee for energy to the little grey cells you know! I finally saw what l was after.....view image!

l love the idea of the transparent bottle as well as the transparent idea of "ICE" (written on the bottle)!

Friday, October 23, 2009


Today's challenge word was "Patterned". below is my chosen image.

I just love this piece, l suppose most people would call it graffiti but l think it should be called a piece of art. It looks like the windows have been white washed and then someone has draw all over it with a pen/biro!! Everytime l go past this image l love it more.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

word for today..LOST

The word for today was "LOST". From next week l am going to include the dictionary defination of each word.
I didn't manage to get out to shoot images today until after 5pm..problem thought l! Actually within a few minutes of actually being been given a lift down into Putney...l saw exactly what l wanted!

As soon as l saw this poppy l knew l had my image. Yes, some-one has lost their poppy but it means so much more than just representing the word "lost" to me. It represents the men and women who have been lost in war and those who have lost limbs ect and their futures have changed because of war. My husband and l both come from Military Families and have been Army ourselves so the poppy means a lot to us.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Challenge word..Uniform

This is the definition of the word "uniform "from the Oxford English Dictionary. I have decided that l should actually include the definition of each word at the beginning of each weeks challenge. The challenge would have been easy today if l had just chosen to do people wearing uniforms or small football unform kits hanging up in car windows..too easy and boring. i hope you approve of the one image l eventually decided on!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

todays challenge..History

Today the word was History. Not as easy as l thought it might be. I didn't want to just do the church or the old building ect.Want "out of the box" sort of thinking, as this challenge is just challenge my thinking! Anyway, after half a day of thinking and then after my last client... down to Putney...l sat and had a coffee and cake! is the evidence!!..and another think!

I finally decided on an old wooden sign that is on a building in Putney. It is all that is left to tell you that there ever was a building called The Exchange there. It is now shops and flats. I love the fact that is faded and the paint is peeling and yet it still survives...refusing to vanish all together without a fight!!

Monday, October 19, 2009


hi..todays word was POINTED. Today was a disaster! l woke up at 8.30, went and got the paper and a cup of civilised l hear youi say!!Managed about two pages and the next thing l knew it was 4.45 in the afternoon! l know l am having sleep problems and only managing around 3 or 4 hours a night..but this was silly!!!
any way..pointed. the image you will see is of a siver nail cleaning kit from the Middle East, l was given it as a present when we left Dubia.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Sunday 18th October 2009..Religion

yes l is Sunday and you think l took the easy route for my word challenge for today..Religion! well actually it was not that easy. I have to admit l did end up in a church but one where an Art fair was taking place!!!!

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Next weeks words for "one image a day" challenge.

Here are the challenges for next you can see l am not cheating!!!!








Challenge: ROUND

Saturday October 18th 2009
Challenge word: ROUND
Spent the morning and some of the afternoon in South Ealing, which is where l completed my challenge for today.
Funny isnt it, that when you have an image in your mind, you see that word or shape every where around you! today was no exception. There were "round" images galour but l finally settled on one..and here it is.

I thought that the green leaf ( maybe not the teabags! ) inside the drain pipe added that little bit of "art"to an ordinary "round" image!

Today's (Friday 16th October) challenge was PLASTIC. l never knew there were so many plastic bags floating around in our streets. Another reason to remember to recycle my plastic bags! Anyway decided to use my image of a rubbish bin in Wimbledon wrapped up in plastic and then tied with plastic twine!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Day one and two!

One image a day..thats my challenge to myself..starting yesterday and already l have failed. I did take one yesterday but today..migraine struck...!so l have still taken an image l suppose but inside rather than out side!
L love photography but l feel l need to give myself more of a kick up the backside to do more with my work. This is a start.
Yesterdays image was taken in Putney, where l love, in the main high street. Across the road from me was Lloyds Bnks cash machines and there in front of one was a lady and an amazing blue bag. My challenge wass to make the blue bag stand out but not to loose the rest of the intersting background green!

I am happy with this image and feel the bag does stand out..l reason l took the image from across the road , in the first place!

Todays image was meant to be wood but as l was ill l didnt go l decided to think about would in my hose. I decided to take an image of the beautiful old wooden head l found in a Charity shop last year. The red shawl round its shoulders is onme that l knitted earlier this year.. 
The challenge tomorrow is..PLASTIC!