Thursday, October 29, 2009

Todays word..RUBBISH

Todays word is RUBBISH.

As l walked down to catch the train to Waterloo Station this afternoon, l walked past the usual trees and bushes on my usual journey down Wildcroft road, thinking about the word rubbish.The usual things came into my head, rubbish bins, the doggy poo bins, rubbish as in food containers and bags on side of road. Um but they are what you expect to see when you think of rubbish. Also as l was going on the Underground l would see quite a bit of rubbish as since 7/11 there have been few or no rubbish bags there. On the train stations they now use transparent rubbish bags. Then l happened to glance into the wood, as my eye was caught by a beautiful Jay. Oh they have such beautiful colourful plumage. And then as l look backdown towards the road again l saw some one had been fly tipping. Somebody had emptied a whole load of rubble..stones, masonary and cement, on the woodland floor in a big heap. Not only that but they had emptied it from a large thick plastic sack and that sack was then thrown away too!!! We have place to take this rubbish that is free...some people are so lazy and antisocial!!!!!!

nounwaste material; refuse or litter an alleyway high with rubbish.• material that is considered unimportant or valueless she had to sift through the rubbish in every drawer.• absurd, nonsensical, or worthless talk or ideas I suppose you believe that rubbish about vampires.verb [ trans. Brit., informalcriticize severely and reject as worthless he has pointedly rubbished professional estimates of the development and running costs.adjective Brit., informalvery bad; worthless or useless people might say I was a rubbish manager.DERIVATIVESrubbishy |ˈrəbəʃi| adjectiveORIGIN late Middle English : from Anglo-Norman French rubbous; perhaps related to Old French robe ‘spoils’ ; compare with rubble . The change in the ending was due to association with -ish . The verb (1950s) was originally Australian and New Zealand slang.

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