Monday, April 12, 2010

The word for Monday 12.04.2010 is LINTEL

I am back from Rutland, where l couldn't find an internet connection!!More about that in the next few days, in one of my other photography daily blogs

Todays word is Lintel. As soon as l realised this was today's word l smiled. I had just written in my daily image blog all about lintels in the village of Exton.

lintel |ˈlintl|nouna horizontal support of timber, stone, concrete, or steel across the top of a door or window.DERIVATIVESlinteled ( Brit. lintelled) adjectiveORIGIN Middle English from Old French, based on late Latinliminare, from Latin limen ‘threshold.’


  1. Welcome back, Lynda! This is a beautiful image of a lintel.
    (I was eating a bowl of lentils while looking at the lintel)
    (ridiculous humor, couldn't help it ~.~)

  2. Hi Lynda,

    Thanks for visiting my blog. Love your spring lintel picture.

  3. We always call them lentils in our house too! Great lintel photograph x
