Today's word is Irritation. I expect everyone who is reading this instantly thinks of what irritates them. I had no trouble thinking of what was on my top five list of irritations...l could give you loads but don't want to bore you stupid! So here goes.......
1. People who drop litter.
2. People who stand in the middle of a path, supermarket aisle or train platform and talk to each other and block up the whole area. Then when you ask them to move, they are either verbally rude or just give you that "look". sign and eventually move!
3. People who ride their bikes on the pavement.
4. Drivers who don't say "thank you" to you, if you have let them into the queue, let them across your queue so they can go left or right. or something that you don't have to do but are being kind.
5. Sales assistants that carry on talking to their friend or speaking on their mobile phone while serving (!) you, the customer!
Oh dear l am sounding like a grumpy old woman aren't l..sorry?!
Anyway, my image for today, is one l took of an neighbour, who emptied her car's cashtray from out on to the grass verge in front of our flats and then drove off. Why couldn't she take it home..home is a couple of feet away from where she has parked her car?
irritation |ˌiriˈtā sh ən|nounthe state of feeling annoyed, impatient, or angry.• a cause of this : the minor irritations of life.• the production of inflammation or other discomfort in a bodily part or organ.• Biology the stimulation of an organism, cell, or organ to produce an active response.ORIGIN late Middle English : from Latin irritatio(n-), from the verbirritare (see irritate ).