Today's word is intertwine. When l think of intertwine l think of swans on the lake, that l often see sort of playing and twining their necks together. I also think of string and making sting bags when l was a child at school. Another thought that came to me, was of all the fishing nets and ropes l had seen intertwinned, when we were down in several Cornish fishing ports. My last thought was about platting my hair when l was at bording school in my teens, it used to be down to my waist! I remember using coloured ribbons to intertwin between my own strands of hair. The image l decide to publish for this blog, is one of a lady l saw on a train station. The colour of her hair caught my attention, as it was so shiny and the colour so unusual.
intertwine |ˌintərˈtwīn|verbtwist or twine together : [ trans. ] a net made of cotton intertwined withother natural fibers | [ intrans. ] the coils intertwine with one another likestrands of spaghetti.• [ trans. ] figurative connect or link (two or more things) closely :Dickens has been very clever to intertwine all these aspects and ideas.DERIVATIVESintertwinement |ˈˈɪn(t)ərˈˈtwaɪnmənt| noun
Anne of Green Gables
5 weeks ago
Great word and photo x
ReplyDeletelovely hair - i do like plaits. I had to help untangle a distresed swam from fishing wire once