Todays word for Monday 16th of November 2009 is FINISHED
My laptop has been refusing to upload my images from my camera...VERY FRUSTRATING!!!! a long story which l will tell on my daily photo site at a later date!! Anyway, l have managed to download them now. Was really unsure what this word would be in an image! Then as l was coming home from a client, l saw this completly stripped corn, l expect it was a squirrel. My word..done!
finish |ˈfini s
verb [ trans. ]
1 bring (a task or activity) to an end; complete : they were straining to finish the job | [with present participle ] we finished eating our meal | [ intrans. ]the musician finished to thunderous applause.
• consume or get through the final amount or portion of (something, esp. food or drink) : finish your fajita while it's still hot | Jerry finished offa margarita.• [ intrans. ] (of an activity) come to an end : the war has finished but nothing has changed.• [ intrans. ] ( finish with) have no more need for or nothing more to do with : “I've finished with Tom,” Gloria said.• reach the end of a race or other sporting competition, typically in a particular position : [with complement ] she finished third in the 3-meter springboard diving.
2 (usu. be finished) complete the manufacture or decoration of (a material, object, or place) by giving it an attractive surface appearance : the interior was finished with V-jointed American oak.
• complete the fattening of (livestock) before slaughter.• dated prepare (a girl) for entry into fashionable society.
1 [usu. in sing. ] an end or final part or stage of something : a bowl of raspberries was the perfect finish to the meal | I really enjoyed the film from start to finish.
• a point or place at which a race or competition ends : he surged into a winning lead 200 meters from the finish.
2 the manner in which the manufacture of an article is completed in detail : wide variation in specification and finish.
• the surface appearance of a manufactured material or object, or thematerial used to produce this : lightweight nylon with a shiny finish.• the final taste impression of a wine or beer : the wine has a lemony tang on the finish...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................Tuesday 17th November 2009 is LINEToday my husband and l went to visit my sister and her family in Cirensester, as tony is on holiday this week. The weather was gorgeous all the way to Cirensester. blue sky and white fluffy clouds. While we were travelling in the pocket rocket we passed a huge yellow and blue transport carrier, and on its trailer was a tractor with large wheels. On the back of the trailer were 2 long blue painted lines. l had got my word! My goodness l never knew there was so much to the word line! see the dictionary definition after the image.
line 1 |līn|
1 a long, narrow mark or band : a row of closely spaced dots will look like a continuous line | I can't draw a straight line.
• Mathematics a straight or curved continuous extent of length without breadth.• a positioning or movement of a thing or things that creates or appears to follow such a line : her mouth set in an angry line | the ball rose in a straight line.• a furrow or wrinkle in the skin of the face or hands.• a contour or outline considered as a feature of design or composition : crisp architectural lines | the artist's use of clean line and color.• (on a map or graph) a curve connecting all points having a specified common property.• a line marking the starting or finishing point in a race.• a line marked on a field or court that relates to the rules of a game or sport.• Football the line of scrimmage.• ( the Line) the equator.• a notional limit or boundary : the issue of peace cut across class lines |television blurs the line between news and entertainment.• each of the very narrow horizontal sections forming a television picture.• Physics a narrow range of the spectrum noticeably brighter or darker than the adjacent parts.• ( the line) the level of the base of most letters, such as h and x, in printing and writing.• [as adj. ] Printing & Computing denoting an illustration or graphic consisting of lines and solid areas, with no gradation of tone : a line block | line art.• each of (usually five) horizontal lines forming a stave in musical notation.• a sequence of notes or tones forming an instrumental or vocal melody : a powerful melodic line.• a dose of a powdered narcotic or hallucinatory drug, esp. cocaine or heroin, laid out in a line.
2 a length of cord, rope, wire, or other material serving a particular purpose : wring the clothes and hang them on the line | a telephone line.
• one of a vessel’s mooring ropes.• a telephone connection : she had a crank on the line.• a railroad track.• a branch or route of a railroad system : the Philadelphia to Baltimore line.• a company that provides ships, aircraft, or buses on particular routes on a regular basis : a major shipping line.
3 a horizontal row of written or printed words.
• a part of a poem forming one such row : each stanza has eight lines.• ( lines) the words of an actor's part in a play or film.• a particularly noteworthy written or spoken sentence : his speech ended with a line about the failure of justice.• ( lines) Brit. an amount of text or number of repetitions of a sentence written out as a school punishment.
4 a row of people or things : a line of acolytes proceeded down the aisle.
• a row or sequence of people or vehicles awaiting their turn to be attended to or to proceed.• a connected series of people following one another in time (used esp. of several generations of a family) : we follow the history of a family through the male line.• (in football, hockey, etc.) a set of players in the forwardmost positions for offense or defense.• Football one of the positions on the line of scrimmage.• a series of related things : the bill is the latest in a long line of measures to protect society from criminals.• a range of commercial goods : the company intends to hire more people and expand its product line.• informal a false or exaggerated account or story : he feeds me a line about this operation.• the point spread for sports events on which bets may be made.
5 an area or branch of activity : the stresses unique to their line of work.
• a direction, course, or channel : lines of communication | he opened another line of attack.• ( lines) a manner of doing or thinking about something : you can't run a business on these lines | the superintendent was thinking along the same lines.• an agreed-upon approach; a policy : the official line is that there were no chemical attacks on allied troops.
6 a connected series of military fieldworks or defenses facing an enemy force : raids behind enemy lines.
• an arrangement of soldiers or ships in a column or line formation; a line of battle.• ( the line) regular army regiments (as opposed to auxiliary forces or household troops).
verb [ trans. ]
1 stand or be positioned at intervals along : a processional route lined by people waving flags.2 [usu. as adj. ] ( lined) mark or cover with lines : a thin woman with a lined face | lined paper.3 Baseball hit a line drive...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................Wednesday 18th word is NATIVE
I spent today in Cirensester and had lunch with a new friend in a very nice resturant. So did not have much time to take images but l did think a lot about the word native. After looking at the dictionary definition l decided that l could take an image of people in Cirencester as Natives of Cirencester.
nouna person born in a specified place or associated with a place by birth, whether subsequently resident there or not : a native of Montreal | an eighteen-year-old Brooklyn native.• a local inhabitant : New York in the summer was too hot even for the natives.• dated often offensive one of the original inhabitants of a country, esp. a nonwhite as regarded by European colonists or travelers.• an animal or plant indigenous to a place : the marigold is a native ofsouthern Europe.adjective1 associated with the country, region, or circumstances of a person's birth : he's a native New Yorker | her native country.• of the indigenous inhabitants of a place : a ceremonial native dance from Fiji.2 (of a plant or animal) of indigenous origin or growth : pigs are native to China | America's native black bear.3 (of a quality) belonging to a person's character from birth rather than acquired; innate : some last vestige of native wit prompted Guy to say nothing| a jealousy and rage native to him.• Computing designed for or built into a given system, esp. denoting the language associated with a given processor, computer, or compiler, and programs written in it.4 (of a metal or other mineral) found in a pure or uncombined state.
Thursday 19th November 2009 word is LARGE.
We were back in Putney for today and decided to take my laptop make to its maker and see if we could sort OUT my lack of downloading facility! No joy...The Apple Consultant was on her day off and The Apple Store
can not see my machine for days!ugh!! Anyway on the way home we went pass this shop which made me say "a AH!" there is my word!!
large |lärj|adjective1 of considerable or relatively great size, extent, or capacity : add a large clove of garlic | the concert attracted large crowds.• of greater size than the ordinary, esp. with reference to a size of clothing or to the size of a packaged commodity : the sweater comes in small, medium, and large sizes.• pursuing an occupation or commercial activity on a significant scale: many large investors are likely to take a different view.2 of wide range or scope : we can afford to take a larger view of the situation.3 Sailing another term for free ORIGIN Middle English (in the sense [liberal in giving, lavish, ample inquantity] ): via Old French from Latin larga, feminine of largus‘copious.’
Thank goodness l now caught up with my weeks is so much harder to do my blog if l even leave just a day or so between up dates!!!