See Wednesdays blog to understand dates of this blog.
Today's word is EMPTY. When l ws in town the other day l went pass a bike that had a wire basket on the front, which was locked to a bike rail. I noticed in the basket was an empy wine bottle. But as l was on the bus, l was unable to take an image. Today, l walked back towards the bike to see if the empty bottle of wine was still there. No it was not there but instead there was an empty guiness bottle and....two empty milk bottles!!! The middle boggles!Ha!
It is dark because it is after 4pm ..hence the use of flash!
empty |ˈem(p)tē|adjective ( -tier , -tiest )containing nothing; not filled or occupied : he took his empty coffee cup back to the counter | the room was empty of furniture.• figurative (of words or a gesture) having no meaning or likelihood of fulfillment; insincere : his answer sounded a little empty | empty threats.• figurative having no value or purpose : her life felt empty and meaningless.• informal hungry.• Mathematics (of a set) containing no members or elements.• emotionally exhausted : at the funeral he stood feeling drained and empty.verb ( -ties, -tied) [ trans. ]remove all the contents of (a container) : we empty the cash register each night at closing time | pockets were emptied of loose change.• remove (the contents) from a container : he emptied out the contents of his briefcase.• [ intrans. ] (of a place) be vacated by people in it : the bar suddenly seemed to empty.• [ intrans. ] ( empty into) (of a river) discharge itself into (the sea or a lake).noun ( pl. -ties) (usu. empties) informala container (esp. a bottle or glass) left empty of its contents.
ORIGIN Old English ǣmtig, ǣmetig [at leisure, unoccupied, empty,] fromǣmetta [leisure,] perhaps from ā [no, not] + mōt [meeting] (see moot ).
Anne of Green Gables
5 weeks ago
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