Sunday, November 29, 2009

the word for Sunday 29.11.09 is Window

Todays word is WINDOW. I am ill again today...this virus just doesn't seem to want to leave me. So for once l have to use an image from another day..sorry!!! I thought ok..openings with or without glass. Could be in a house, church, outhouse, car, train, bus, aeroplane, doll's houses and so on! So it is a window and that sounds so could l make it interesting..the window into your soul maybe..or the television is the window into the world? A window of oppurtunity? um!
Anyway after much thinking between rushing to the loo for one end or other (sorry about the image you must have in your mind now!!oops!). Anyway, l decide to go for a window but an old one in an old building with a thatched roof. Admittedly not a well kept thatched cottage but we are only after a window!!

window |ˈwindō|nounan opening in the wall or roof of a building or vehicle that is fitted with glass or other transparent material in a frame to admit light or air and allow people to see out.• a pane of glass filling such an opening thieves smashed a window and took $600.• an opening in a wall or screen through which customers are served in a bank, ticket office, or similar building.• a space on the inside of a store's window where goods are displayed for sale I prefer the red dress that's in the window [as adj. beautiful window displays.a thing resembling such an opening in form or function, in particular• a transparent panel on an envelope to show an address.• Computing a framed area on a display screen for viewing information.• ( window on/into/to) a means of observing and learning about :television is a window on the world.• Physics a range of electromagnetic wavelengths for which a medium (esp. the atmosphere) is interval or opportunity for action February 15 to March 15 should be the final window for new offers.• an interval during which atmospheric and astronomical circumstances are suitable for the launch of a spacecraft.strips of metal foil or metal filings dispersed in the air to obstruct radar detection. [ORIGIN: military code word.]PHRASESgo out the window informal (of a plan or pattern or behavior) no longer exist; disappear.window of opportunity a favorable opportunity for doing something that must be seized immediately if it is not to be missed.window of vulnerability an opportunity to attack something that is at risk (esp. as a cold war claim that America's land-based missiles were easy targets for a Soviet first strike).windows of the soul organs of sense, esp. the eyes.DERIVATIVESwindowless |ˈwɪndoʊləs| adjective (in sense 1.ORIGIN Middle English : from Old Norse vindauga, from vindr ‘wind’auga eye.’


  1. what a totally lovely image! And to me, a window is incredibly evocative. I look forward to seeing more on your site just as soon as I recover from nanowrimo!

  2. thank you for coming by my blog and leaving a comment. How interesting-- you take an image and then brainstorm ideas, words, definitions and so on about the image-- when I start a new series of paintings on a theme I make lists of words and phrases as well to get me started.
