Today's word is SMALL. OK l hear you say that's so easy. Yes it is, so l thought l would try and put a twist on the word some how. Thought about it on and off today and when l was in town for work and then coffee..thought and looked. Eventually found exactly what l wanted..just before it got to dark to take a good image!phew!. I think it is quite good..What do you lot think???This way l may get someone to actually leave a comment not just look and leave!! Don't get me wrong...l am glad people come and look at my blogs but it would be nice... some times for people to leave a comment about their thoughts, you don't have to agree with me..l enjoy discussions!
The other thing l worried about today was the date! l am superstitious and normally something bad or silly happens to me today. So today l decided l would try very hard to NOT think about the date.It must have succeeded because l am still here with all my fingers and toes and more to the point...a mini car in one piece!hax
Anne of Green Gables
5 weeks ago
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