Today's word is TEA. This day is a very special day for our family. My husband finished work today and has two weeks holiday owed him and then he is retired at 60! Hurray say all of us!!!!!I spent today with my husband after he had finally finished at work, had a quick visit with our son and his new wife and then supper, in Islington with our daughter. What a wonderful way for Tony to start his 3rd Age! All the while l'm thinking on and off about today's exciting is that??? I didn't want just to show a tea pot or a cup of tea, a teabag or a caddy of Earl Grey Tea. So while we were travelling around London, l got the little grey cells working.... then l spied a specialist tea shop but as we were moving too fast in the car, couldn't capture the image. At around 4pm as we were coming home to get changed to go out in the evening, it suddenly dawned on me what my image should be. Down the bottom of Wildcroft Rd is the Green Man Pub main bus stand and beside it are 2 fairly new green kiosks. One sells newspapers, magazines, sweets, cigerettes and bus tickets and the other is "The Tea Stand" used by bus drivers. taxi drivers, school children and the mums on the afternoon pick ups! My image for the day.
tea |tē|noun1 a hot drink made by infusing the dried, crushed leaves of the tea plant in boiling water.• the dried leaves used to make such a drink.• (also iced tea) such a drink served cold with ice cubes.• [usu. with adj. ] a hot drink made from the infused leaves, fruits, or flowers of other plants : herbal tea | fruit teas.2 (also tea plant) the evergreen shrub or small tree that produces these leaves, native to South and eastern Asia and grown as a major cash crop. • Camellia sinensis, family Theaceae.3 chiefly Brit. a light afternoon meal consisting typically of tea to drink, sandwiches, and cakes.• Brit. a cooked evening meal. See also high tea .4 informal another term for marijuana .ORIGIN mid 17th cent.: probably via Malay from Chinese ( Min dialect)te; related to Mandarin chá. Compare with char 3 .
Anne of Green Gables
5 weeks ago
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