Todays word is HOME..which was just as well as l was in all day choice! I am having a bad day today, not depresstion but just sad l think!!! Weather doesn't help. My doctor thinks l have SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder) and had l considered using one of those day light blue thingys???? I am doing some reasearch as l speak.
So unfortunatly todays image is going to be very boring..... or so l thought. I looked round the house and outside the window and then l remembered something l saw the other day. I grabbed my camera and went down the stairs of my block of flats and there were a few still left. Harliquin Ladybirds had gathered together to make their home in a corner of my staircase. I know we shouldn't welcome them because they are killing off our own ladybirds..but you have to admit they do brighten up the place. Mind you they are more than likely dead, as it has been so cold! Hope not. Most of them have been eaten by earwigs (which l hate..long story to do with Dalias and my dad, when l was little!). Anyway for the moment the staircase of No 90 is home for these guys.
Had to go and get a chair from my flat to stand on, so l could get a decent image for this blog. So beautiful aren't they?..........
home |hōm|noun1 the place where one lives permanently, esp. as a member of a family or household : I was nineteen when I left home and went to college | they have made Provence their home.• the family or social unit occupying such a place : he came from a good home and was well educated.• a house or an apartment considered as a commercial property : low-cost homes for first-time buyers.• a place where something flourishes, is most typically found, or from which it originates : Piedmont is the home of Italy's finest red wines.• informal a place where an object is kept.2 an institution for people needing professional care or supervision : an old people's home.3 Sports the goal or end point.• the place where a player is free from attack.• (in lacrosse) each of the three players stationed nearest their opponents's goal.• Baseball short for home plate .• a game played or won by a team on their own ground.adjective [ attrib. ]1 of or relating to the place where one lives : I don't have your home address.• made, done, or intended for use in the place where one lives :traditional home cooking.• relating to one's own country and its domestic affairs : Japanese competitors are selling cars for lower prices in the U.S. than in their home market.2 (of a sports team or player) belonging to the country or locality in which a sporting event takes place : the home team.• played on or connected with a team's own ground : their first home game of the season.3 denoting the administrative center of an organization : the company has moved its home office.adverbto the place where one lives : what time did he get home last night?• in or at the place where one lives : I stayed home with the kids.• to the end or conclusion of a race or something difficult : the favorite romped home six lengths clear.• Baseball to or toward home plate.• to the intended or correct position : he drove the bolt home noisily.verb [ intrans. ]1 (of an animal) return by instinct to its territory after leaving it : a dozengeese homing to their summer nesting grounds.• (of a pigeon bred for long-distance racing) fly back to or arrive at its loft after being released at a distant point.2 ( home in on) move or be aimed toward (a target or destination) with great accuracy : more than 100 missiles were launched, homing in on radar emissions.• focus attention on : a teaching style that homes in on what is of central importance for each student.ORIGIN Old English hām, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch heemand German Heim.
Anne of Green Gables
5 weeks ago
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