O.K can be apyramid organisation but not much help there. So off to see what l can find but not holding out much luck.
Sorry have not blogged for last few days but up in Rutland. Full story on my other photography blog......
We stopped to have lunch in Melton Mowbray, the home of the pork pie and very dissapointed we were too. It is meant to be Foody Heaven but we found it to be a very down at heel looking place, maybe on Market Days it is different but today..boring! We walked around and l was surprised to see so many people smoking, as in Putney l hardly ever see more than one or two people walking around smoking and sometimes at the bus stops. Here in this town, l saw many people smoking while walking and also in groups but because of their habit, l had my image for the day!
I took another image, which showed the whole of the pyramid but l think this is a better image, even though it shows less. As you can see from the amount of butts stuffed into the holes, a lot of smokers in this town and also, I had never seen this shape before. There were many of these bins placed around the town, which is good, otherwise they would be littering the place and making it even more of an unsightly looking place than l feel it is already. Sorry Melton Mowbray!
pyramid |ˈpirəˌmid|noun1 a monumental structure with a square or triangular base and sloping sides that meet in a point at the top, esp. one built of stone as a royal tomb in ancient Egypt.
2 a thing, shape, or graph with such a form : the pyramid of the Matterhorn.• Geometry a polyhedron of which one face is a polygon of any number of sides, and the other faces are triangles with a common vertex : a three-sided pyramid.
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