Today's word is illuminated. This word could mean to illuminate the house with lights for christmas or candles for the festival of Diwali. ( a Hindi festival to celebrate the new season, at the end of the monsoon). If we had had lightening today, l could have shown my house or the woods illuminated by lightening.
Anyway, the image l have chosen to use, is from Tottenham Court Road Underground Station, where a sign has been illuminated, to give instructions to the general public.
illuminate |iˈloōməˌnāt|verb [ trans. ]light up : a flash of lightning illuminated the house | figurative his face was illuminated by a smile.• decorate (a building or structure) with lights for a special occasion.• [often as adj. ] ( illuminated) decorate (a page or initial letter in amanuscript) with gold, silver, or colored designs.• [usu. as adj. ] ( illuminating) figurative help to clarify or explain (asubject or matter) : a most illuminating discussion.• enlighten (someone) spiritually or intellectually.DERIVATIVESilluminatingly |1ˈluməˈneɪdɪŋli| adverbilluminative |-ˌnātiv; -nətiv| |1ˈluməˈneɪdɪv| |-neɪtɪv| |-nətɪv| adjectiveilluminator |-ˌnātər| |1ˈluməˈneɪdər| nounORIGIN late Middle English : from Latin illuminat- ‘illuminated,’from the verb illuminare, from in- ‘upon’ + lumen, lumin- ‘light.’
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