Todays word is TRANSPORT. Transport means to take things and/or people from one place to another by means of a number of things. A ship, a car, a plane, a bike, a other words..transport! There are so many oppurtunities for this word. Just go outside and take an image of my car, the planes going over head, or a large Waitrose van, that has just delivered food to the flat below me...but that is to easy!!
The image l have chosen, is one of a person using his bike, to help him transport his luggage to his place of rest!
transportverb |transˈpôrt| [ trans. ]take or carry (people or goods) from one place to another by means of a vehicle, aircraft, or ship : the bulk of freight traffic was transported by truck.• figurative cause (someone) to feel that they are in another place or time : for a moment she was transported to a warm summer garden on the night of a ball.• (usu. be transported) overwhelm (someone) with a strong emotion, esp. joy : she was transported with pleasure.• historical send (a convict) to a penal colony.noun |ˈtransˌpôrt| |ˈtrøn(t)sˈpɔrt| |ˈtranspɔːt| |ˈtrɑːn-|1 a system or means of conveying people or goods from place to place by means of a vehicle, aircraft, or ship : many possess their own forms of transport | air transport.• the action of transporting something or the state of being transported : the transport of crude oil.• a large vehicle, ship, or aircraft used to carry troops or stores.• historical a convict who was transported to a penal colony.2 (usu. transports) an overwhelmingly strong emotion : art can send people into transports of delight. See note at rapture .ORIGIN late Middle English : from Old French transporter or Latintransportare, from trans- ‘across’ + portare ‘carry.
Anne of Green Gables
5 weeks ago
Great use of the word transport and great photographic evidence of that very thing!