Todays word is stacked. Strange how at the moment, my words seem very simple, not by choice. They are just the words that are picked ramdomly each day, from my monthly list!
With today's word, l thought of stacked buckets outside my local hardware shop, loads of colour and many buckets but boring! Thought of stacking a pack of playing cards to make a house...couldn't find my playing cards. Oh..remember, l am using them to alter a book!Ha..well l am an Artrist remember! The dictionary talks about stacking a fridge on top of a freezer or as in our kitchen the microwave is stacked over the fridge! Coming to think about it, not a good idea but then we didn't design the kitchen! Not a very inspiring image. Anyway, l carried on thinking and suddenly remembered the below image. When ever l see plates like this, stacked above each other l am fascinated by them. I wonder what the story behind each one is, because they are rarely physically in the it a money laundering scam or some other scheme? Um, think l have been married to non trusting banker for too long! see scams every where.
The image below is also one of my favorites because it is old, has a dull sheen to it and holds in its memory loads of stories, l would love to know!

............................................................................................................................................................................................................................stacked |stakt| |støkt| |stakt|adjective1 (of a number of things) put or arranged in a stack or stacks : the stacked chairs.• (of a place or surface) filled or covered with goods : the stacked shelves.• (of a machine) having sections that are arranged vertically : full-sized washer-dryers are replacing stacked units.• (of a heel) made from thin layers of wood, plastic, or another material glued one on top of the other.2 (of a deck of cards) shuffled or arranged dishonestly so as to gain an unfair advantage.3 informal (of a woman) having large breasts.4 Computing (of a task) placed in a queue for subsequent processing.• (of a stream of data) stored in such a way that the most recently stored item is the first to be retrieved.
Love this image.