Saturday, March 6, 2010

the word for Saturday 06.03.2010 is REFLECTION

Today's word is Reflection. I did an e-course the other month called Unravelling. On that course, one of the week's photography assignements was about reflections, so l have had a lot of pratice with this word!
I spent today in London, with some of the girls who did this e-course with me. We had an amazing time, talking and eating, talking and talking and then walking, taking images and more walking! We were so busy talking, although l took a lot of images, l was not really thinking about reflections! So l had to put this straight on the way home. I was in an Undergroud Station when l suddenly saw my image. I have to admit l am very pleased with it!

reflection |riˈflek sh ən|nounthe throwing back by a body or surface of light, heat, or sound without absorbing it the reflection of light.• an amount of light, heat, or sound that is thrown back in such a way the reflections from the streetlights gave us just enough light.• an image seen in a mirror or shiny surface Marianne surveyed her reflection in the mirror.• a thing that is a consequence of or arises from something else a healthy skin is a reflection of good health in general.• [in sing. a thing bringing discredit to someone or something it was a sad reflection on society that because of his affliction he was picked on.• Mathematics the conceptual operation of inverting a system or event with respect to a plane, each element being transferred perpendicularly through the plane to a point the same distance the other side of it.serious thought or consideration he doesn't get much time for reflection.• an idea about something, esp. one that is written down or expressedreflections on human destiny and art.ORIGIN late Middle English : from Old French reflexion or late Latinreflexio(n-), from Latin reflex- ‘bent back,’ from the verb reflectere.

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