The word for Tuesday 12th january 2010 is HAND. I suppose l could have take an image of my hand and add interest by using my left hand, so l have an image of my engagement, wedding and eternity rings. Or maybe l could take an image of a child's hand and mine for size comparision? Then l thought l could show a hand of cards or maybe go and see the horses in Richmond Park stables and takle an image of "hands" as in the horses height. Anyway, this was the way l was thinking when l left the house to meet Tony. Tony had driven the mini round to the front of the flats, l got in and we started to drive out of our Estate. I suddenly shouted out, "Stop, go back". "What do you mean, it's a one way system remember, we have only lived here for 12 years woman!" replied Tony. " Don't care, reverse". A very confused Tony, put the mini in reverse and slowly drove backwards. When he saw what l wanted to take an image of, he put his hand up in front of my face and simply said, " Talk to the hand", laughted and put the car into drive and drove off! When you see the image, l hope you will see why he laughted!
Question Time: I wonder why it was on the back windscreen of this car? I wonder who put it there and lastly..why hasn't it got a thumb?Ha. Actually l think it is the cardboard support you get from the inside of new glove but there is still the question of no thumb?
hand |hand|noun1 the end part of a person's arm beyond the wrist, including the palm, fingers, and thumb : she placed the money on the palm of her hand | he was leading her by the hand.• a similar prehensile organ forming the end part of a limb of various mammals, such as that on all four limbs of a monkey.• [as adj. ] operated by or held in the hand : hand luggage.• [as adj. or in combination ] done or made manually rather than by machine : hand signals | a hand-stitched quilt.• [in sing. ] informal a round of applause : his fans gave him a big hand.• dated a pledge of marriage by a woman : he wrote to request the hand of her daughter in marriage.2 something resembling a hand in form or position, in particular• a pointer on a clock or watch indicating the passing of units of time: the second hand.• a bunch of bananas.3 ( hands) used in reference to the power to direct something : the day-to-day running of the house was in her hands | taking the law into their own hands.• (usu. a hand) an active role in influencing something : he had a bighand in organizing the event.• (usu. a hand) help in doing something : do you need a hand?• (usu. hands) (in sports) skill and dexterity : he's a receiver with very good hands.• a person's workmanship, esp. in artistic work : this should be a clue in attributing other work to his hand.• a person's handwriting : he inscribed the statement in a bold hand.• [with adj. ] a person who does something to a specified standard :I'm a great hand at inventing.4 a person who engages in manual labor, esp. in a factory, on a farm, or on board a ship : a factory hand | the ship was lost with all hands.5 the set of cards dealt to a player in a card game.• a round or short spell of play in a card game : his idea of a good time would be a hand of bridge.• Bridge the cards held by declarer as opposed to those in the dummy.6 a unit of measurement of a horse's height, equal to 4 inches (10.16 cm). [ORIGIN: denoting the breadth of a hand, formerly used as a more general lineal measure and taken to equal three inches.]7 the feel of goods, esp. textiles, when handled : fabrics with a softer hand.verb1 [with two objs. ] pick (something) up and give to (someone) : he handed each man a glass | I handed the trowel back to him.• informal make (abusive, untrue, or otherwise objectionable) remarks to (someone) : all the yarns she'd been handing me.• informal make (something) easily obtainable for (someone) : it was a win handed to him on a plate.2 [ trans. ] hold the hand of (someone) in order to help them move in the specified direction : he handed him into a carriage.3 [ trans. ] Sailing take in or furl (a sail) : hand in the main!
Anne of Green Gables
5 weeks ago
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