>>Today's word is COLLECTION. I could have taken many images for today's word with out leaving my home! I am a collector of everything and anything..or so my family say! So after several clients today, l went back up to Waterloo for another client. The train was packed and there was standing- room only. It was not a pleasant experience and l was not in a good mood by the time l got off the train. Fighting my way to the barrier, l saw from the corner of my eye, a trolley full of brightly coloured throw away coffee cups. There is a God! Suddenly my day seemed a lot better because l had my image! But then l had to make sure none of the guards could see me. Reason being, it is illegal to take photographs in or on Waterloo Station. Luckily no-one saw me and so l had my image!
collection |kəˈlek sh ən|noun1 the action or process of collecting someone or something : the collection of maple sap | tax collection• a regular removal of mail for dispatch or of trash for disposal.• an instance of collecting money in a church service or for a charitable cause : when she died, they took up a collection for her burial.• a sum collected in this way.2 a group of things or people : a rambling collection of houses.• an assembly of items such as works of art, pieces of writing, or natural objects, esp. one systematically ordered : paintings from the permanent collection | a record collection.• ( collections) an art museum's holdings organized by medium, such as sculpture, painting, or photography.• a book or recording containing various texts, poems, songs, etc. : a collection of essays.• a range of new clothes produced by a fashion house : a preview of their autumn collection.ORIGIN late Middle English : via Old French from Latin collectio(n-), from colligere ‘gather together’ (see collect 1 ).
Anne of Green Gables
5 weeks ago
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