Today's word for Thursday 28.01.2010 is DEPTH. This caused me quite a lot of trouble actually. The reason being, that what l thought could represent the word, Tony thought didn't! How we ever got married, let alone stayed together, happily l may add, is a mystery to us and to many other people. The reason being, we are SO different. To the way we see things, cut things up, stack the dishwasher..ha! name it we will do it the opposite way to each other. Quite funny at times! But we do have the same quirky sense of humour and are open to each others thoughts...and we talk, or rather, l talk and Tony listens!!Anyway, we eventually decided the image to go here and l hope you like it. It was taken in Isabella Plantation , which is an enclosed area inside Richmond Park. It is a little bit of Paradise!
Some of it is wild and some is cultivated. There are ponds with amazing coloured ducks and geese on it, heather beds and walks and just amazing places for children to hide in and trees to climb. Tomorrow l will be putting up all the images l took, while in Richmond Park and you will be able to see all the area and the beautiful ducks. My other photography blog is at
depth |depθ|noun1 the distance from the top or surface of something to its bottom :shallow water of no more than 12 feet in depth.• distance from the nearest to the farthest point of something or from the front to the back : the depth of the wardrobe.• used to specify the distance below the top or surface of something to which someone or something percolates or at which something happens : [in sing. ] loosen the soil to a depth of 8 inches.• the apparent existence of three dimensions in a picture, photograph, or other two-dimensional representation; perspective :texture in a picture gives it depth.• lowness of pitch : my voice had not yet acquired husky depths.2 complexity and profundity of thought : the book has unexpected depth.• extensive and detailed study or knowledge : third-year courses typically go into more depth.• intensity of emotion, usually considered as a laudable quality : a man of compassion and depth of feeling.• intensity of color : the wine shows good depth of color.3 ( the depths) a point far below the surface : he lifted the manhole cover and peered into the depths beneath.• (also the depth) the worst or lowest part or state : 4 a.m. in the depths of winter | the putrid depths to which morality has sunk.• a time when one's negative feelings are at their most intense : she was in the depths of despair.• a place that is remote and inaccessible : a remote little village somewhere in the depths of Russia.4 Sports the strength of a team in its reserve of substitute players : they have so much depth that they could afford the luxury of breaking in their players slowly.ORIGIN late Middle English : from deep + -th 2 , on the pattern of pairssuch as long, length.
Anne of Green Gables
5 weeks ago
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