Yes ...l know it is now Friday and not Thursday but l got got side tracked by all the amazing "how to do" blogs about journalling ect that l didn't realise the time! it is..wait for it...00.37 and l should be asleep but as usual l am not! So won't lie here wishing l was asleep and getting angry, l will blog instead. Right..down to buisness.
Today's word is rather a boring one but here it is..FLAT. Lots of phases come to mind, such as:
flat as a pancake
flat tyre
the party was flat
flat broke
flat hat
flat rate
feeling flat
and so on, but l won't bore you anymore...just go and look at the dictionary definition at end of this blog!!If you are that bored!Hax
I didn't go out of the ..ha!..flat today until it was dark. I was so busy today but also feeling quite flat (!) as well. Honestly l didn't use these words because of "my word today", they just came naturally..very weird. Anyway, as l was rambling on, it was dark when l left home and l was wondering how l was going to be able to complete today's challenge. I was walking down Wildcroft rd because the bus had not came, thinking about Flat. All the above words and phrases came into my mind. I went passed flat windows in cars, flat sheets of glass at the bus stop and flat bus notice boards. The pavement was flat in places but all these were very boring and in this lack of light not very thrilling to view either.
I started to remember the TV programme l watched last night about a dig in China and all the amazing finds they had dug up. This lead me to think about how people, in say 1000 years time would view things we discard. This was the way my mind was wandering, when l noticed something shinning, in the gutter. It had been caught in the headlights of a passing car. There on the road, lying across a drain cover was my image. A McDonalds disposable drinks cup , complete with top and straw, still attached but flat. Perfect!
flat 1 |flat|adjective ( flatter , flattest )1 smooth and even; without marked lumps or indentations : a flat wall |trim the surface of the cake to make it completely flat.• (of land) without hills : thirty-five acres of flat countryside.• (of an expanse of water) calm and without waves.• not sloping : the flat roof of a garage.• having a broad level surface but little height or depth; shallow : a flat rectangular box | a flat cap.• (of shoes) without heels or with very low heels.• (of the foot) having an arch that is lower than usual.• (of a woman) having small breasts.2 lacking interest or emotion; dull and lifeless : “I'm sorry,” he said, in a flat voice | her drawings were flat and unimaginative.• (of a person) without energy; dispirited : his sense of intoxication wore off until he felt flat and weary.• (of a market, prices, etc.) showing little activity; sluggish : cash flow was flat at $214 million | flat sales in the drinks industry.• (of a sparkling drink) having lost its effervescence : flat champagne.• (of something kept inflated, esp. a tire) having lost some or all of its air, typically because of a puncture : you've got a flat tire.• (of a color) uniform : the dress was a deadly, flat shade of gray.• (of a photographic print or negative) lacking contrast.• (of paint) without gloss; matte.3 [ attrib. ] (of a fee, wage, or price) the same in all cases, not varying with changed conditions or in particular cases : a $30 flat fare. See alsoflat rate .• (of a denial, contradiction, or refusal) completely definite and firm; absolute : his statement was a flat denial that he had misbehaved.4 (of musical sound) below true or normal pitch.• [ postpositive, in combination ] (of a note) a semitone lower than a specified note : the double basses' opening low E-flat | you never have to change key from B-flat major.• (of a key) having a flat or flats in the signature.5 ( Flat) of or relating to flat racing : the Flat season.adverb1 in or to a horizontal position : he was lying flat on his back | she had been knocked flat by the blast.• lying in close juxtaposition, esp. against another surface : his black curly hair was blown flat across his skull.• so as to become smooth and even : I hammered the metal flat.2 informal completely; absolutely : I'm turning you down flat | [assubmodifier ] she was going to be flat broke in a couple of days.• after a phrase expressing a period of time to emphasize how quickly something can be done or has been done : you can prepare a healthy mealin ten minutes flat.3 below the true or normal pitch of musical sound : it wasn't a question of singing flat, but of simply singing the wrong notes.noun1 [in sing. ] the flat part of something : she placed the flat of her hand over her glass.2 a flat object, in particular• (often flats) an upright section of painted stage scenery mounted on a frame.• informal a flat tire.• a shallow container in which seedlings are grown and sold.• (often flats) a shoe with a very low heel or no heel.• a railroad car with a flat floor and no sides or roof; a flatcar.3 (usu. flats) an area of low level ground, esp. near water : the Utah salt flats. See also mudflat .4 a musical note lowered a semitone below natural pitch.• the sign (♭) indicating this.verb ( flatted, flatting) [ trans. ]1 [usu. as adj. ] ( flatted) Music lower (a note) by a semitone : “blue” harmony emphasizing the flatted third and seventh.2 archaic make flat; flatten : flat the loaves down.
Anne of Green Gables
5 weeks ago
Okay, I am having fun with your images. I have found it best to read first and not be tempted to scroll to the image. That way the image has more impact and meaning.
ReplyDeleteI do this the other way round with abstract art. I avoid reading the title and try to make up my own mind what the work is all about.