The word today is LINE.
One of the things the dictionary says about line is, "a long, narrow mark or band" and l thought this will be so easy but also could be very boring. Looking in the newspaper gives you hundreds of lines and the house is full of them. Every where l looked there were lines. Nothing that would make people want to look forward to the next blog word image! I don't know how many people visit or read my blog but at least l could make it interesting for those that do! Also to remind myself why l do get my creative juices going each day. If l found this boring, why would other people bother to want to read it!
Anyway, went about my daily work, while still remembering to look for my word. Then as l was thinking about Christmas wreaths and how, after more than a week, most are still on people's doors, l came across my image. There on the large ground floor window, was this very colourful painting of flowers, and also lines going the space, which belonged to a cloth-blind covering the window.
One of the many reasons l like this image, is because of the reflections in the background, which shows the houses on the street opposite. Also you can clearly see the blue sky surrounding the brick chimmney pots. The flowers look similar and yet if you look carefully you will see small differences. And the stems are different lengths and one of them is cut in two. I like the fact that the texture of the cloth- blind comes out in this image.
line 1 |līn|noun1 a long, narrow mark or band : a row of closely spaced dots will look like a continuous line | I can't draw a straight line.• Mathematics a straight or curved continuous extent of length withoutbreadth.• a positioning or movement of a thing or things that creates or appears to follow such a line : her mouth set in an angry line | the ball rose in a straight line.• a furrow or wrinkle in the skin of the face or hands.• a contour or outline considered as a feature of design orcomposition : crisp architectural lines | the artist's use of clean line and color.• (on a map or graph) a curve connecting all points having a specified common property.• a line marking the starting or finishing point in a race.• a line marked on a field or court that relates to the rules of a game or sport.• Football the line of scrimmage.• ( the Line) the equator.• a notional limit or boundary : the issue of peace cut across class lines |television blurs the line between news and entertainment.• each of the very narrow horizontal sections forming a television picture.• Physics a narrow range of the spectrum noticeably brighter or darker than the adjacent parts.• ( the line) the level of the base of most letters, such as h and x, in printing and writing.• [as adj. ] Printing & Computing denoting an illustration or graphic consisting of lines and solid areas, with no gradation of tone : a lineblock | line art.• each of (usually five) horizontal lines forming a stave in musicalnotation.• a sequence of notes or tones forming an instrumental or vocal melody : a powerful melodic line.• a dose of a powdered narcotic or hallucinatory drug, esp. cocaine orheroin, laid out in a line.2 a length of cord, rope, wire, or other material serving a particularpurpose : wring the clothes and hang them on the line | a telephone line.• one of a vessel’s mooring ropes.• a telephone connection : she had a crank on the line.• a railroad track.• a branch or route of a railroad system : the Philadelphia to Baltimore line.• a company that provides ships, aircraft, or buses on particular routes on a regular basis : a major shipping line.3 a horizontal row of written or printed words.• a part of a poem forming one such row : each stanza has eight lines.• ( lines) the words of an actor's part in a play or film.• a particularly noteworthy written or spoken sentence : his speech ended with a line about the failure of justice.• ( lines) Brit. an amount of text or number of repetitions of a sentence written out as a school punishment.4 a row of people or things : a line of acolytes proceeded down the aisle.• a row or sequence of people or vehicles awaiting their turn to be attended to or to proceed.• a connected series of people following one another in time (used esp. of several generations of a family) : we follow the history of a family through the male line.• (in football, hockey, etc.) a set of players in the forwardmost positions for offense or defense.• Football one of the positions on the line of scrimmage.• a series of related things : the bill is the latest in a long line of measures to protect society from criminals.• a range of commercial goods : the company intends to hire more people and expand its product line.• informal a false or exaggerated account or story : he feeds me a line about this operation.• the point spread for sports events on which bets may be made.5 an area or branch of activity : the stresses unique to their line of work.• a direction, course, or channel : lines of communication | he opened another line of attack.• ( lines) a manner of doing or thinking about something : you can't run a business on these lines | the superintendent was thinking along the same lines.• an agreed-upon approach; a policy : the official line is that there were no chemical attacks on allied troops.6 a connected series of military fieldworks or defenses facing an enemy force : raids behind enemy lines.• an arrangement of soldiers or ships in a column or line formation; a line of battle.• ( the line) regular army regiments (as opposed to auxiliary forces or household troops).verb [ trans. ]1 stand or be positioned at intervals along : a processional route lined by people waving flags.2 [usu. as adj. ] ( lined) mark or cover with lines : a thin woman with a lined face | lined paper.3 Baseball hit a line drive.
Anne of Green Gables
5 weeks ago
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