Sorry haven't posted for a few days but will try and catch up!
Saturday's word was TRANSPARENT. Again, the image could be many things in the house but l wanted it to be on a walk as usual. That way, l look more at where l am walking and learn more about where l live. The image l found did not take long to find. As l got to the bottom of Wildcroft road, there on the pavement was a grubby and slightly elderly desposible plastic glove! Not exactly an exciting find but if l hadn't been looking around, l may not have seen it and also would not have had this "enlightening" conversation with this rather feisty elderly lady!!!. The old lady who asked me what l was doing, was not exactly overwhelmed by my comments but she did say, " I suppose one day you may find something interesting but don't you know why you bother". She then started to leave but turned back and said, "You say you are an artist and an Art Counsellor, so l suppose you find used plastic gloves interesting considering the sort of people you must work with?" and she turned away! "I tried to talk to her again but she wouldn't listen and just put her hand up as if to say, "Talk to the hand" and walked away. What a sad view on life!
transparent |tranˈspe(ə)rənt; -ˈspar-|adjective(of a material or article) allowing light to pass through so that objectsbehind can be distinctly seen : transparent blue water.• easy to perceive or detect : the residents will see through any transparentattempt to buy their votes | the meaning of the poem is by no means transparent.• having thoughts, feelings, or motives that are easily perceived : you'd be no good at poker—you're too transparent.• (of an organization or its activities) open to public scrutiny : if you had transparent government procurement, corruption would go away.• Physics transmitting heat or other electromagnetic rays without distortion.• Computing (of a process or interface) functioning without the user being aware of its presence.DERIVATIVEStransparently |trøn(t)ˈspɛrəntli| adverb : [as submodifier ] a transparently feeble argument.ORIGIN late Middle English : from Old French, from medieval Latintransparent- ‘shining through,’ from Latin transparere, from trans-‘through’ + parere ‘appear.’
Anne of Green Gables
5 weeks ago
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