Today's word is Pastel. The Art room in my house has a chest of drawers in it and the top two drawers are full of pastels, of all shapes, colours and also water-resist ones. So that would be such an easy image to take, to show for the word pastel. Remember pastel can also mean a pale or delicate shade of a colour. For example, the pastel shade for red would be pink.
l am normally not a pastel person, l love deep blues, bright burnt oranges, reds and l love black. So there is very little pastel in my home or my wardrobe. l was have a hard time with this one and thought l would have to give in and do Pastel crayons. When l had a light bulb moment. On Thursday, l had a while to wait on Waterloo station to see someone, so l went into Accesseries ...just to look you understand. l had a moment of madness and bought a fancy pair of patterned tights! Not what l would normally buy at all but l rather liked them. Here is today's word, Pastel in all it's glory. l went and put them on especially for you! !!! Enjoy!
pastel |paˈstel|noun1 a crayon made of powdered pigments bound with gum or resin.• a work of art created using such crayons : a pastel entitled “Girl Braiding Her Hair.”2 a soft and delicate shade of a color : the subtlest of pastels and creams.adjectiveof a soft and delicate shade or color : pastel blue curtains.DERIVATIVESpastelist |-ist| |pøˈstɛləst| (also pastellist) nounORIGIN mid 17th cent.: via French from Italian pastello, diminutive ofpasta ‘paste.’
Anne of Green Gables
5 weeks ago
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