Today's word is Diversity. This is a word that is bandied about in all areas of the media, all over the world but do you know what it actually means? Where l live in london, there are so many different nationalities and so l am used to seeing people from India, Chinese, Somalia, The Middle East, Jamaican and so on. Then we had different religions such as Muslims, Jews, Sikh, Christians, Hindus and so on. So what does it mean to be living in a diverse community? I thought about this for along time and l found it hard to think how to explain it. Eventually l came to this conclusion, "Diversity" means that society is encouraged politically and socially to be tolerence of people from different backgrounds. Then l looked in the dictionary and wow..l was right!ha!
When l was thinking about this word and wondering what l was going to shoot, l remembered the sign in the window of the Funeral Directors in Roehampton. I think this sign says it all!
diversity |diˈvərsitē; dī-|noun ( pl. -ties)the state of being diverse; variety : there was considerable diversity in the style of the reports.• [usu. in sing. ] a range of different things : newspapers were obliged to allow a diversity of views to be printed.ORIGIN Middle English : from Old French diversite, from Latindiversitas, from diversus ‘diverse,’ past participle of divertere ‘turnaside’ (see divert ).
Anne of Green Gables
5 weeks ago
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