Well...today's word is Imagination. If this was to be a painting rather than a photograph, l would be able to let my imagination go wild! If l could compose this image for myself, instead of having to "find" one....boy could l have fun! Anyway, I was in quite a bad mood today and couldn't shake it off. So after doing some bits and pieces, we went out in the Pocket Rocket towards Richmond. Mistake...the traffic was awful and surprisingly, not because of the Rugby, as the match had already started. So we crawled along, at about 6 miles an hour and out of this dark cloud.... came a silver lining! I had found my image. As the traffic was so slow, l saw quite a few shops l had never really noticed before. My image was in a Dry Cleaners shop window. I think they are trying to get you to think, that they could get your cloths as bright and shiny clean like this Angel!" Come on people, use a little Imagination here!
imagination |iˌmajəˈnā sh ən|nounthe faculty or action of forming new ideas, or images or concepts of external objects not present to the senses : she'd never been blessed with a vivid imagination.• the ability of the mind to be creative or resourceful : technology gives workers the chance to use their imagination.• the part of the mind that imagines things : a girl who existed only in my imagination.ORIGIN Middle English : via Old French from Latin imaginatio(n-), from the verb imaginari ‘picture to oneself,’ from imago, imagin-‘image.’
Anne of Green Gables
5 weeks ago
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