Today's word is Highlight. It could be a highlighter pen or highlight the situation or the highlight of his! Anyway here goes. Usual day except l am full of cold and feeling awful but life goes on as they say! Tony is also ill but he is one day ahead of me in this cold. So as he is alot better today and not so grumpy, hopefully l will feel like that tomorrow. Anyway..the word. I looked at my highlighter pens but although they were colourful, we see them everyday! I want to stretch my mind not just take the easy way out. So eventually l found the image l wanted. It is not one l set up, l didn't realise l left the flash on. A pleasant mistake. I lightlighted the name on the Town plaque by mistake but the name holds all sorts of lovely memories for me and my husband. So highlighting is just how it should be!
highlight |ˈhīˌlīt|noun1 an outstanding part of an event or period of time : he views that season as the highlight of his career.• ( highlights) the best parts of a sporting or other event edited for broadcasting or recording : he never watches TV highlights of games he has umpired.2 a bright or reflective area in a painting, picture, or design.• (usu. highlights) a bright tint in the hair, esp. one produced bybleaching or dyeing.verb [ trans. ]1 (often be highlighted) pick out and emphasize : the issues highlighted by the report | speakers at the conference highlighted additional problems faced by women with AIDS.• make visually prominent : a vast backdrop with the colorful logo highlighted with lasers.• mark with a highlighter : a photocopy with sections highlighted in green.2 create highlights in (hair).
Anne of Green Gables
5 weeks ago
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