Today's word is Unexpected. Today, Tony and l went to the Queen Mary's Hospital for some more tests and unfortunetly there were no seats for me in the Suite. So l went and spent an hour or more in the Hospital Coffee..not bad coffee actually. Anyway, after l had read a newspaper, l started thinking about today's word. There were so many images in the hospital l could have used for this word but it would have been either morally or legally inappropriate. So after we had finished in the hospital, we left to go to the carpark. Firstly, we had to go to the ticket machine and pay for the privalage of using the hospital! While we were paying, l saw from the corner of my eye, this lady came to pay for her parking, at the next machine.
Boy was l surprised when l looked up and realised it was a man in a kilt!Ha
unexpected |ˌənikˈspektid|adjectivenot expected or regarded as likely to happen : his death was totally unexpected | [as n. ] ( the unexpected) he seemed to have a knack for saying the unexpected.DERIVATIVESunexpectedly |ˈənəkˈspɛktədli| adverb : [as submodifier ] an unexpectedly high priceunexpectedness |ˈənəkˈspɛktədn1s| noun
Anne of Green Gables
5 weeks ago
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